Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

WTF? Since when is there any caution much less an abundance of it? People have died in prison because of the sick fuck guards that run the place!

Of course this ahistorical pendejo wouldn’t know that white slavers already got reparations for slavery, in fact, they were the only ones who did.

He’s probably going to get a job at OAN spreading the same shit propaganda he was spreading on Faux.

With a rather nasty tendency to fail onwards. No unemployment for these fuckers some other shitty department will be proud to hire them..

Republicans seem to be perfectly fine with that so long as the people taking the law into their own hands are white.

It’s telling that the nasty sheriff, instead of being concerned about the shit in his department is going on about going after the reporter who caught these people.

And you have Fucker Carlson and the rest of the trash presenters (because I will not have the word “news” attached to these idiots) just talking about how it was an “accident” and it could happen to anyone.

I was going to go with Italians but I you may well be right about them being Russian mob.

What I need to know about this movie is absolutely nothing. I will not be watching.

No, we don’t.

As per usually they think it’s worse to be called racist than to actually be racist.

Not to mention the inverse of their “Black people are scary programming”

It’s always the same with those types. It’s worse to be called or seen as racist than it is to actually BE racist.

I’m sure Mayo Pete will give it the same consideration similar accusations against police in his city got.

I’m trying to figure out what exactly you’re saying. Because it seems quite clear that legality hasn’t damn thing to do with any of this and stand your ground is a convenient legal fiction to allow white people to get away with murdering the “correct” type of people.

The person who was murdered was shot by the asshole in the car. The dude driving, was looking to start some shit and likely went there on purpose just to fuck with someone. He shot someone who wasn’t threatening him. The man who was shot was pushing his disabled fiancé in a wheelchair when he was shot. He was not

Protesting is not a crime. Pushing your disabled partner in a wheelchair is not a crime. As much as I think it should be, walking around with a weapon is not a crime (because Texas is ass backwards) and this motherfucker was already looking to start some shit before he even got to the area. So what exactly are you

I suspect the stain will only spread as the fired cops get jobs in other jurisdictions.

This fucker always makes  point of missing the point.

What’s your point?