Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Yes, I did see and read the article at Gothamist. It also goes into how police arrest people on bullshit charges that eventually get tossed (because there’s apparently no penalty to just arresting people for no damn reason) near the end of their shifts so that they can milk the paperwork for easy overtime. So the cops

And? I expect criminals to have zero regard for the people they victimize. While I expect the police to have as little regards as criminals do because that’s what they’ve shown us, their job to protect and serve demands that they actually have more. Not to mention, it has been shown how these high speed chases do

Nope they don’t care. I’d say they care more about the overtime they’ll bank off this than any damage to anyone they do. 

I’m still waiting for this country to become civilized.

Is this America? Well duh! Has been since it’s inception so there’s really no need for a question mark.

Didn’t this “auspicious” body have members who were part of the insurrection on January 6th 2021?

Basically, it’s all old fashioned fascism doing the business of white supremacy. Or, to be more apt, just every day Americaning.

It doesn’t even look as it it occurred to them that they’re driving all crazy with a kidnapping suspect that maybe the victim is in the car and they should use some damn precaution.

We know Don Lemon is a problem. But of all the shit that he’s done that I have a problem with this:

Another day ending in “-y” where some racist idiot with the IQ of a mentally slow gnat decides to tell me how unintelligent I am while sporting a history full of idiocy.

Thank God Chicago has more sense than NYC does. A CEO should never, ever, ever be elected to office. They don’t do democracy, they don’t like it, and their policies aren’t geared for it.

I’m wondering if Lynda is on some kind of substance that has her seeing some shit. Because the character of which she speaks certainly isn’t there. It never has been and managing to get people to elect you to office isn’t evidence that it ever was there.

Underpaying Black people as per usual I see. Even when fuckers are guilty they’re getting away with shit.

Actually, the used predates Ms. Badu by several decades and its use, before Desatan decided to Columbus it, is exactly as it was meant to be used. I see absolutely ZERO reason to stop using a word because racist ass white people decided to misuse a word in order to demonize anything to do with Black people. If we were

Don’t you get tired of having shit takes all the goddamn time.

This involved an exhibit which with the person who told the karen to STFU was affiliated.

So one of the artists involved in the exhibit is unqualified to determine of some loudmouth bitch is being loud in said exhibit?

Not having one around seems to work a lot better than what they’re doing.

The exhibit includes sound. How the fuck do you go into a goddamn museum with a sound component in the exhibit and start laughing loudly like a goddamn ignoramus? Sound! As in don’t be so fucking loud that people can’t hear the goddamn exhibit!

According the the site it was a “school resource officer.”