Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Perhaps you’d try Googling the damn exhibit before coming up in here defending some loud, wrong, obnoxious white woman laughing all loud in a space meant to be quiet.

I think there was also a teacher who left the gun in the bathroom after using it. So you have that level of safety and competence to work with.

You will not get a sincere response from this idiot because the only thing sincere about it is that it is sincerely a troll; let it starve.

We already knew there was an unindicted co-conspirator for what Cohen served time for with that Stormy Daniels business.

I do like hearing things I’ve thought for awhile voiced by others.

Particularly the racist ass trolls that keep leaving their droppings in the grays. (And the reason why I haven’t starred the rest of your comments for this article as I don’t want to take their nasty asses out of the gray.)

No, egg, you lying sack of shit, “everybody” does not have a problem with any color children experiencing racist trauma.

If you listen to them talk that’s the conclusion you’d come to. <shrug>

I absolutely would watch the shit out of this. 

More disingenuous fuckery from the karen that thinks this banning is a good idea.

Why protect against guns when the real danger are books.

The only person being disingenuous here (and not by a little either) is you.

Denying their truth? What truth? They’re lying by omission. Like I said, this is why you don’t coddle racist cretins.

These idiots always go on about how their oh-so-innocent children are too young to learn about these thing but have no goddamn problem with Black children of the same age having to experience it.

I just want to add that in typical white woman of a certain type fashion, she’s blaming Ms. Gray for her pathetic performance.

It’s my understanding that it was only struck down at the college level. Which would still allow this fuckery at the K-12 level. It’ll be too late to save most of them if they don’t get any actual fucking history until college.

Predictably some jackass in the grays is coming at me proving my point with his absolutely incorrect definition of “woke.” Naturally he speaks with all the confidence of a sub-mediocre white supremacist.

Republicans have absolutely ZERO interest in what the word ACTUALLY means. They basically want to make it mean anything they don’t like then blacken it up for their bigoted base. It just so happens that someone actually had the temerity to ask them what it means.

Feels like this country has always been trifling. 

The cops are already at the stops. You can see them upstairs talking to one another or on the phones. Sometimes you see them on the platform hanging out by the seats which means no one will go near them.