Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Why the fuck are you letting this racist trash out of the grays?

They should have been investigating his coworkers from jump. It is bizarre and reeks of a coverup that the cops are trying to play as though there is no foul play here.

This is why the reporting should be compulsory rather than voluntary. When you make it voluntary you won’t get the information you’re looking for and the pigs and the non-law-enforcement white supremacists have every reason to downplay the numbers.

This kind of shit is why I can’t be arsed to have any interest in these award shows.

1. I don’t think it’s at all necessary to give a standing ovation for merely picking up a statue.

Wow! It’s like you didn’t even read the article.

So you’re expecting Ms. Bassett to work when she’s off?

When they talk about taking responsibility for shit they are not talking about themselves.

It never ceases to amuse me how annoyed racists are to be called racist.

Motherfuckers sure love to make sure people recite the pledge but don’t give a damn if the country actually lives up to it.

Gee if only there was some hack to get some of that.

Not only that but we have a lot of incels deliberately open carrying and/or brandishing their shit with cops having jack and shit to say about it. Of course, those idiots where white so it was alright.

Sure, if you count pointless The Root articles bashing Rock. In comparison, none of CR’s half-ass comedy across 30 years has ever endorsed violence, much less violence bc someone told a joke that make anyone angry.

I didn’t watch because I don’t have Netflix but this doesn’t sound much different from his shit from the 90's which probably hasn’t aged well. Most comedians shit don’t age well as tastes change and certain types of jokes just aren’t acceptable anymore.

We do have the same problem nationally. It’s just stupidly so in particular cities.

Apologizing is nice and all but what they need to do is run him a motherfucking check for what they stole from him.

Can one even have a constructive conversation around this site (being the media site not the specific site for The Root.)

This shit again?

No. I am not going to endanger my wellbeing by moving someplace where physically moving also has me moving back in time.

I’m sure they were more offended by her union activity and used this as an excuse.