Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

As well it should. There are plenty of professions where one has to take on liability insurance to make sure you’re not an incompetent fuck up. Cops literally are allowed to kill people yet for some reason we can’t hold them accountable? If doctors have to have malpractice insurance I don’t see why we can’t do the

Do they ever bother? I mean the stats show that white people do most of the crime as they are most of the people and yet you’d think it was Black and brown people constantly running amok the way they talk about it.

That’s because it’s not about crime. Frankly, I doubt it ever is. “Tough on crime” is code for Negro control, it always has been.

Saraswati liked to appear on Faux News and thus, indirectly* helped them with their mission in destroying the lives of anyone not white, male, straight and wealthy.

This punk ass bitch is exactly the type of violent habitual offender that they’re supposed to remand and yet they let him walk out the door. Probably on bail so low only the unhoused couldn’t afford to make it.

STFU Cretin! I’d tell you to stick to shit you know but you don’t know a damn thing.


Dude knew that shit was done on purpose.

To be honest, I’ve not had time to find a place where I can have these discussions so I’ve been doing drive-bys at while at work. But I can’t say that I feel terribly compelled to check on the regular. When I find something worth popping in for I do assuming I can find enough non-trolls to have the conversation.

I know you know that that isn’t new information.

Greg needs to get a life, or at least a hobby. Something to keep him out of grown folk’s conversations.

Gee, why didn’t I think of that?

For real, like does that asshole just stalk The Root looking for people to mail his brain droppings to?

Then stop killing us you racist POS.

That could have been phrased better. Unfortunately, I’m at work so these are all drive-by posts.

Your problem is the way you discuss it. Most violence is between people of the same race. That’s not to do with cultural affinity, that’s everything to do with segregation. People tend to do things near where they live which unfortunately, includes committing crimes. The question “Why is there so much gun violence in

None of what you’re talking about has escaped me. That’s why I don’t step foot in any church and haven’t for years (outside of funerals and the occasional wedding.) 

I could think of a million other things infinitely more interesting and important than some beef between two rich Black men; especially some moldy-ass, year-old beef between two rich Black men. Given the amount of finger waving fuckery in the grays I hope this isn’t a deliberate provocation for clicks because I am not

The phrase “missing white woman syndrome” isn’t a thing for nothing.

Basically mass shootings are only of interest when it happens to white people in this country. It’s the same way they are only interested in why someone was able to on killing for so long when a serial killer targets “respectable” white women.