Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

To all ya’ll white people who complain about not wanting to teach certain things about American history when it comes to Black people because you think your children will “feel bad” or some other dumb ass shit:

This is constantly happening, they make up these “elite” squads that they fill with a bunch of thugs who go around terrorizing Black and brown neighborhoods then pretend that their activity is somehow making shit safer when it is them who is causing a problem. Then every few years these jackbooted thugs kill someone

It’s a lot less “silly” than those who automatically shit on a game because the protagonist isn’t white and male like in 99.9% of the other video games.

Really, the dude with visible panty lines, a shitty rug on his head, super crappy spray tan, the worst suits a tailor ever shat out, and a fupa has no business talking shit about anyone.

I didn’t know Michigan had such a law.

Motherfucker, if you don’t sit your dumb ass down and STFU while grown folks are talking and stop pretending that the 2nd amendment, just to name one, is very differently “enforced” depending on the skin color of the person exercising it...

Exactly. Can’t hurt the fee fees of racist white people by schooling them on how 1. Not meritorious their ancestors were and 2. How much the stuff they “built” was done so by getting handouts from the government while suppressing any competition by straight up killing and stealing from Black people when they thought

This bitch needs to be put on blast. Put her name and her damn employer’s name out there too. She needs to be unemployed until she can learn some goddamn manners.

Alabama Goddamn!

Nobody actually said one was filed, only that there was hope of one. Given that the impression is that the investigation, such that it is, isn’t complete why wouldn’t one logically be allowed to hope for one?

Piss off Blockhead.

The key word is “people” and law enforcement don’t see us as people. Period.

While two things can be true at the same time and he may be right about the media attention that surrounds Mr. Crump and Mr. Sharpton, it is disingenuous to pretend that he’s saying isn’t exactly in line with white supremacists complaints about the two men and they don’t have Black people’s interest in mind AT ALL.

I hope they bankrupt the motherfucker.

Just cause they don’t see it personally doesn’t prove the absence of it. “The absence of evidence is not evidence”, isn’t that the saying?

Sounds pretty American-like to me.

Baby steps. You see what a fit they’re catching with a mere 223 pages. Imagine if it were longer?

I’m not really expecting much from him. This kind of shit is why people want to defund the police and he’s going on about training which is all Biden keeps talking about as he doesn’t want to alienate “moderate” white folks.

I suspect a heavy cya culture. They seem perfectly willing to defend the undefendable until some tipping point where it may cost them money, then under the bus that person goes. They have an easier time tossing some people under the bus than others which explains the swiftness with which the bus crash happened. In

Yeah, come to think about it, when was the last time cops went out of their way to charge their own so swiftly?