Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

It’s also racist, so no surprise there.

It’s not like she could have gotten younger. What did they expect?

If he’s likening the term “capitalist” to a racial slur I’m going to have to conclude that he needs to come back to earth and get some oxygen because he’s clearly damaging his brain with whatever the fuck he’s been huffing.

To be fair the question is mostly rhetorical. There’s no rhyme or reason and I suspect someone lets them out just to troll us.

I suspect that there’s something about this crime that doesn’t quite interest them. I can’t quite put my finger on it.

How the fuck is this POS out of the grays?

Did he now? If true, that’s one heluva way to be hoisted by one’s own petard.

Given the vast majority of what Keven Samuels had to say was just an excuse to talk shit about Black women, it’s easy to see why such advice would be skipped over.

How exactly is someone supposed to be considered a primo photographer and be completely incapable of lighting up the person they’re photographing?

It’s not fucking lit up enough to actually see the face of the Black woman who is supposed to be the subject of the picture. How the hell is a picture “just fine” if the subject of it is so engulfed in shadow that you can’t actually see her?

They’re quick to say “don’t touch someone’s stuff” but apparently don’t slam someone’s body is too much of an ask.

When you stop being a racist POS, I’ll stop calling you a racist POS. Now take your troll ass back to your mama’s basement, grown humans are talking.

Boy? Look how quick Billy Bob dumb fuck resorts to racist epitaphs (even when talking to other white people) when they let him know that they’re not here for his bullshit.

See what? I didn’t see a thing.

I do remember and they really didn’t want to indict his ass. He only served 8 months of a whopping 1 year sentence.

Since when do Trumpers need an excuse to shoot at us? THey just do it for sport and any attempts to defend us is seen as being aggressive. I don’t really see what good it does pretending to cry any tears for some trump humping asshole. (Which frankly is redundant.)

Can we not do this?

You ever notice how racist POS always claim “objectivity” when they really mean “in thier shitty opinion?”

You forgot 13/90 and “unemployed” and “felon.”

NYPD and the NY Post, two sources you wouldn’t believe if they told you it was raining without going outside and making sure their nasty asses weren’t on the roof pissing on everything.