Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Oh, I did. Not so much today although now it’s the weekend so again and I’m off work, I have time.

I did not know that shit about her when the primary for DA was a thing. I did not vote for her either.

I just Googled this shit and the way they’re selling it is some Orwellian shit.

Of course, De Satan’s flunky ass bitch is going to do this shit. That’s par for the course in this country since they had to make up excuses to re-enslave our ancestors because they couldn’t do it outright. This is the “modern” day method of enforcing white supremacy.

Register a bike? Like the way you do a car? What fuckery is this?

Second Life looked better than this mess 10 years ago. Why would anyone want this?

Satan Island, where white people go to live so they can still say they live in NYC with as little exposure to Black people as possible.

Why is the headlines written in a way to imply that the teachers have a problem with how the layoffs are going to be handled? Clearly they don’t but the headline has attracted so many damn trolls it’s outnumbering people who aren’t racist pieces of shit.

Please do not reply to sloppy seconds, he’s a racist POS asshole who apparently likes fascism and uses them to bolster his points. He’s a disgusting turn who should be left in the fucking grays where he belongs.

I’m not about to sacrifice what modicum of relative safety and access to things like health care and whatnot so that white people can stay safely ensconced in their enclaves.

We ought not.

No surprise here. They weren’t interested in cleaning up the culture; they were interested in looking like they were cleaning things up and put a Black woman to be the face of their farce.

I think that’s the whole facility. But that said, we don’t know that 500 people showed up and having the discussion as though that’s a fact is a problem.

They are always quick to believe any amount of lying ass bullshit spoon-fed to them regardless of how often Black people are lied on.

Before anyone starts making excuses about there being too many people (which we have ZERO evidence of) the facility has the ability to accommodate 1400 people. So the number of people being a problem is a blatant lie to keep Black people out of the pool. This is some 1950's level shit.

Based on the trolly ass shit I’ve dismissed from this mofo, I don’t think that’s what was meant. The accusation is that the author is stirring up racial fears.

Of course this murderer was promoted. It’s been made clear time and time again that this kind of murderous fuckery is exactly what they want. If they wanted decency in policing they wouldn’t continue to reward killers, rapists, liars, and other abusers.

Bitch, I don’t have to code switch to blast any racist asshole who creeps up in this place including your dumb ass. It’s so funny how white people make shit up about Black people and then get to fear the very stereotype they made up but Black people are not supposed to be disgusted with the very real way whiteness has

To be fair, it didn’t reply to me but since it’s out of the grays and out of pocket, and I had a couple of minutes at work I thought I’d tell a motherfucker about himself.

It’s obvious that this co -er mofo didn’t want to charge them at all.