Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen


I already commented. My statement on the veracity of the police still stands.

I wouldn’t either but I really hope it doesn’t because reducing damages by as much as this POS judge reduced them is some bullshit.

That’s not really the same as putting one IN a cell phone. And if you have to pull it out to shoot it then claiming the phone was a gun is some Amadou Diallo murder level of bullshit.

They put .22 caliber guns in cell phones?

New York is in the top five of number of deaths per 100,00 people and by top 5 I mean lowest number per 100,000. NYC is dense as fuck allowing any Tom, Dick, and Harry to waltz around here with a concealed gun is asking to ramp up the death count.

It’s not an expansion of a right so much is a complete and deliberate misinterpretation of a right that no longer serves any purpose other than to arm terrorists and by terrorists I mean white supremacists (whether hooded or not.)

My point, which you seem either unwilling or incapable of understanding, is that the people in charge, the ones who hired this POS police force who did nothing but cower and worse, prevented parents from doing something while they did nothing , don’t give a fuck about anyone’s suffering. This is an act, it’s fuckery

In Maine? I thought he fucked off to Florida.

They’re going shut the school down anyway. They’re not going to make anyone go back into the building. So why are the really tearing down the building? Because they’re covering up the fact that they don’t give a fuck about anybody but their fellow gun nuts and they’re hiding the evidence of their disdain by completely

Fair, but I don’t appreciate them tearing down the evidence of their no-fucks-given attitude.

So instead of tearing down and revamping a completely feckless (when it comes to actually protecting the public) institution they tear down the school instead.

I can’t wait for the racists to start turning this on the “enlightened” folks that made it fashionable again... pfff, you’re just gaslighting me!! It’s not “gaslighting” to encourage people to consider their own biases... it’s pretty much fundamental to moral philosophy and precisely the sort of completely valid

Sounds like a bench trial. This is exactly why cops go for bench trials.

Not for nothing, but this attitude is exactly why it’s so easy for people to gaslight on shit like this. It’s all well and good to expect the benefit of the doubt for the (probably racist POS) asshole who let this mess get through. But we’re talking about something being put out for a holiday that’s specifically

But he doesn’t have a show, he’s a guest. Fox can have whomever they want as often as they want. No to defend Faux “News” or anything but they’ve been the propaganda arm for American fascists for years. Dude is only pissed because it wasn’t helping his rancid ass. (Although how one would differentiate one rancid ass

I was going to say something snarky about the title and what people have been saying after listening to it but then I saw the grays. I guess that album title is going to be our anthem for the foreseeable future.

I said what the fuck I said. CRT in pubic schools (as in k-12 and frankly even undergrad) is NOT A THING. It is a niche area of study even in law school where it is actually a thing.

So you mean to say there are lots of names that can be used to name toolsets and they couldn’t find one that would liken people to animals? Especially in a particularly racist way?

Hey, you guys are the ones comparing apes to African Americans and getting angry about this kind of stuff. Sounds like you’re the racists to me.