Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Who would have thunk that allowing racist assholes to start fights and get away with murdering their victims would cause others to be emboldened to try the same shit?

They’re the reason we can’t have nice things. Because they’ll come down burn it to the ground and murder anyone in the vicinity.

Because this fake outrage over CRT in public schools (which isn’t a fucking thing) is about stomping on Black people and not wanting to teach actual history.

Awww, some racist piece of shit is projecting their faults onto me because they don’t find me sufficiently reverential to some rude bitch ass basic Kevin who makes demands and claims not to be racist while referring to Black people (PEOPLE) as “blacks.”

Exactly. The same way they always keep bringing up Chicago. It’s yet another way they try to make whiteness seem a heluva lot more innocent than it actually is.

Does she have time for Dr. Richard Wolff? Because he’s been talking about the shit state of the economy including how corporate greed is jacking up prices and he has the educational pedigree the yammering class eagerly suck off.

Most crime is within racial groups because most people commit crimes where they live and this country is still segregated as fuck. So all those trolls who talk about "black on black" crime as if it's not just crime can take their racist asses and fuck off.

Your unwillingness to face facts is not my problem. The studies ssd how that there is a racial bias in pain tratment with doctors more likely to downplay the reported pain levels of Black people.

Well, pendejo, when one decides to take down a group of people based on English and Math test scores, one should at least have the bare minimum of basics of writing in English mastered. Otherwise, it is hard to take one’s claims of superiority seriously (if one were inclined to do so to begin with.) Additionally,

Remember that racist ass heau who caused trouble for a Black woman in the Harvard graduate dorms. Turned out she had a habit of messing with Black people like she’s the gatekeeper to the dorms.

The American love of guns is also rooted in racism. The NRA uses the very Black people they’re accusing of just being marauding gangs of Blackness waiting to harm white people to scare the living shit out of white people to get them to buy more guns. And since our government doesn’t seem too keen on punishing white

Interesting how it tries to talk about test scores while posting a wall of text which seems to show no regard for the concept of paragraphs or punctuation. THIS is supposed to be an example of the higher intellect of their ilk?

Can we stop using the term assault weapon ban?

I didn’t say that the surgeon did any such thing. It is not necessary to bungle a surgery to inflict racist institutional damage to Black people. Dude was complaining about pain and we know how the medical field 1. still believes that Black people have higher pain tolerances and are not nearly as keen to give pain

I don’t think the POS is in the grays which begs the question who, and why the fuck, was he ever ungrayed in the damn first place?

Well, you could just read his posting history and see for yourself but I do get how much people love to call foul when a bigoted POS is called out as such. I don’t think accepting their arguments because they’re not currently frothing at the mouth is a virtue.

Let’s not pretend that it’s not possible to have the same racist damage be done to you by a Black face.

No, I’m stating that you’re racist trash POS who always has nasty shit to say assuming guilt, or other negative traits when it comes to Black people. What part of what I said made that difficult for you to understand?

Whiggly’s go to response for anything is to assume Black people are criminal and dumb. His dumb as fuck hot take is no surprise. What is a surprise is that his dumb ass is not in the grays where he belongs.

Well, this explains why it got so much press given that the body count was lower than shooting scenes that get so much press.