Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Actually, I’m pointing out that your rather large wall of text is a pile of obnoxious, supercilious, pompous fuckshit not worthy of the toilet paper you would have written it on if this weren’t an electronic forum.

Exactly. Clearly, they can run a survey but are incapable of following their own advice.

Fox so-called News blaming video games is rich given how they feed into the idiocy of white supremacist terrorists.

That’s asinine! You think it’s acceptable for a company to be seen as hostile to a whole swath of people because fake ass so called christians and the white nationalists who love them, refuse to grow the fuck up?

Not only did he kill his wife but he won while in jail awaiting trial.

Same. I will drag the Democratic party from Sunday to Sunday but I still vote for their rancid asses. That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t expect them to actually earn my damn vote.

Oh that’s cute, Faux News thinks that video games have more to do with this bullshit than their asshole, idiotic, white nationalists hosts spewing bullshit replacement theories over and over and over again like some kind of propaganda station or something.

I don’t see a problem with condemning large swaths of white to poverty over racist fuckshit they did. They certainly don’t have any problems condemning us to poverty for the crime of not wanting to be enslaved.

But they will expect our vote while doing fuck all about this white supremacist problem.

It’s not a tough sell, it’s common sense everywhere but in the US of A because this country has its head up its ass.

Competition? Really? Dude was pissed that people were demanding that the systems built to coddle and pamper people who looked like him at the expense of people who did not be dismantled. And he decided to go after people who didn’t look like him because he a racist piece of shit.

I don’t know how that dude you’re replying to behaves here, but he’s a known troll and a racist one at that.

You could just, I don’t know, lock up motherfuckers who illegally sell guns. Lock their asses up for owning the guns and lock their asses up for brandishing the gun while you’re at it.

No, that’s some bullshit made up by the NRA who shill for arms dealers (aka gun manufacturers.)

Not really sure what the surprise is. If R. Kelly wasn’t (in)famous we wouldn’t be hearing about any of this. If it’s not him it’s someone else I’m sure.

They don’t even give a chick a chance to chill out on a Sunday.

Yes, actually I would prefer they executed the motherfucker on the spot. That’s police procedure isn’t it?

Killed 10 people, still taken in alive.

You are correct, they would pivot. They’ve been working on this for decades and Dems are, well I’d say catching up but that implies they’d do something and that’s not a safe assumption at this point. The thing is, that you can’t move people to make changes if all you do is dangle the possibility of a thing then

If it’s codified into federal law then the decision is moot, they can’t kick it back to the states and everyone’s covered. But it’s not going to happen, they know it and using it as a rallying cry is callous as fuck, but it’s also what they did with voting rights so I suppose there’s some consistency there. It sucks,