Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

LOL! Have you been paying attention to how Republicans operate? As soon as they take over the senate they’re getting rid of the filibuster to keep Dems from doing to them what they’ve been doing for years now.

Did they get rid of the filibuster?

Here’s another file for the “No Shit Sherlock” drawer.

I don’t know why I’m getting replies from fucking trolls a whole year and a half afer my comment but let me say this to the trolls out there. How the fuck do you think Black people would be free from white people’s fuckery when ya’ll follow us all over the goddamn planet to push your white supremacy bullshit on us?

“Moderates” meaning Dems who have just enough shame to not want to be attached to the openly racist Republican party but not enough decency to actually want to help people. In other words, useless fucking assholes.

These hoteps stay doing the work of the very white supremacist they claim to be against. Fuckbois the lot of them.

WTF? People need some goddamn perspective.

Perhaps you should stop drinking and read better. Nowhere am I saying that Roe should be allowed to be snuffed out. What I am saying is that it is telling to see how much action you see being taken by the Democrats to fight when it is an issue that is seen to be one that has riled up white women rather than one that

Speaking of Texas fuckery, does anyone want to explain why it is that 4 out of the top 5 house members are endorsing an pro-forced birth incumbent who is currently actively under investigating by the FBI than the progressive challenger who would probably have a better chance of winning not being under investigation

Mexico hasn’t done us dirty enough for us to inflict Texans on them.

She’s not the one suffering for her hubris now is she? THAT is why people are rightfully pissed at her for what she did. It’s not just her, it’s a lot of people.  Barbara Boxer should have retired ages ago. She can retire now. She just refuses to do so. I’m not saying to abandon them on a floating iceberg but damn,

You’re right they’re not actively erasing civil rights; they’re also not actively protecting them either.

So you’re going to ignore the fact that Obama basically begged her to step down beforehand when he had a chance in hell of putting someone in and she said no?

Can’t blame people in power because...

That’s true. Of course, stupid people don’t seem to understand that they’re stupid and a lot of them are in positions of power because white (or in the case of Black bootlickers serve white supremacy)

That is a completely accurate translation but not the one Ol’ Susan would use merely because she would never admit to being the lying ass liar she is. 

Exactly. How long have I been saying this and people thought I was just a “Bernie bro” etc.

Say it again for the people in the back!

No, she was fucking ancient and had multiple health scares while in office. So you’re saying she thought that the betterment of humankind would have been served by her not leaving when she could do so upright and to roll the dice with other people’s lives on the wrong person replacing her should she leave

It’s been going on for years. How do you think Citizen’s United got where it was. They tried it and Scalia (IIRC) basically told them how to relitigate it so that he can give them the ruling they want.