Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

FOH with that pedantic bullshit! Even the people running the show are not claiming that this wasn’t a no-knock entry.

Democrats hate being in charge, when they are they have to explain why the didn’t do what they promised (answer they never intended to.) When they’re in the minority they blame everything on Republicans.

Funny how Republicans are always accusing people of doing exactly the shit they do. Yet they have no awareness that they project more than a movie theater projector.

Are we surprised? Tim Scott is a damn coon and it’s been obvious for YEARS. Fuck him!

What needs to be looked at is election fraud. Oh wait they’re the ones committing that.

Unfortunately, he’ll probably get hired at the next town over.

No surprise here. Their motto is "consequences for thee; not for me."

It’s also funny how these assholes always complain about how “the blacks” don’t take responsibility for anything yet they put responsibility for shit white people do on said “blacks.”

So they didn’t actually change the name and they’re continuing to go back to openly suppressing the vote.

They always give themselves an out by creating a loophole for “extreme” situations which turn into normal situations.

Didn’t the make this claim before the cops murdered Amir Locke with their no-knock warrant fuckery?

The difference between us in this is I don’t have the faith that there’s a longer term strategy in effect with can kicking and expect to see similar can kicking come August. I would love to be wrong though.

If he’s going to kick the can, why not kick it until after the election instead of once again emphasize that he’s refusing to do the loan forgiveness that he’s not made a very good argument as to why he hasn’t bothered. That’s what you want right before the nitty gritty of election seasons? To be in the position to

It’s not just her fans that become too comfortable. That’s why Cardi gets herself in trouble saying dumb shit. She isn’t cognizant of where she is in comparison to where her fans are and she says dumb shit that if she had someone who cared about her PR working for her, would tell her not not get involved in. Not the

Cardi B been having issues with spouting off dumb shit on social media. I’m sure she’ll be sneaking back on eventually because she loves the attention.

Doesn’t matter to me. It’s like the Covid stimulus. It costs the government MORE MONEY to work out that question than to simply write the check. The only issue here is people who get their knickers in a twist over someone “undeserving” of getting a check, and trust me, they’re never going to be in favor of

Whose fault is that? They use Black and brown faces to scare white people into buying more guns, then use the presence of those guns as to why they need to buy even more guns. Meanwhile who is shooting up people in large numbers in a single go? White men.

Interesting change of pace from the usual fuckery surrounding killer pigs.

To be fair, they’re a bunch of nasty, racist liars who will make up any kind of shit to demonize people who disagree with them and the easiest way to turn people away from a thing is to Blacken the shit out of it. Hence, why everything they don’t like is CRT.

Funny how it only becomes complicated when it comes to compensating Black people.