Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Well that’s because the CRT bans have nothing to do with CRT. What they really don’t want is to teach anything to do with American history.

That’s been his name for quite some time as far as I’m concerned. It’s the only name I’ll be using for him. Periodt.

Oh, I see. You think backing J. Prince is more important than noting the fuckery that he’s making this stand for. So daft AND willing to overlook fuckery that doesn’t affect you directly.

More of them need to get got.

Why do I have dumb asses telling me that Lincoln and MLK were Republicans as though that has a damn thing to do with the current incarnation of the Republican party?

So someone tells a story about how some kids his son was supposed to spend the night with at a sleepover joked about lynching him and you fucking dismissed it. But you think I was wrong for ripping you a new one about your dumb ass response to it?

If a pandemic didn’t emphasize the need for a universal healthcare system where everyone can go without bankrupting themselves and what kind of disaster can happen when people ration health care for financial reasons, I don’t know what will.

Why would anyone want to back anything with Kanye attached to it. He was an asshole before he fell into the sunken place, and he’s been showing his ass even more after his Becky dumped him.

Are you fucking daft? Where in the rather short paragraph that I wrote above did I say anything about J. Prince.

We’re in deep shit.

I don’t even watch the Grammys or any other of tehse boring ass shows. If I want to watch self-congratulatory masturbation I’d watch, well the Grammys I guess.

Who the fuck makes jokes about lynching? That alone is enough for me to consider you suspect and cut your ass the fuck off. You think hanging people and burning their bodies is funny?

Like someone can’t kill a friend and then make up a self-serving story? You think people have never killed a person they called friend? You think one part of a group of friends have never conspired with another against another member of the friend group?

I said government functions and you seem not to know the difference between government function, private industry, and charity.

No it’s not. Private companies never do government functions cheaper than the government entities. That’s just a straight up lie made up by people who want to profit off of the taxpayer largesse. The fact that private companies with their need to make profits and that they pay more than government entities push the

Wacky? When a group of people get together to kill someone they call it conspiracy. There’s not a fucking thing “wacky” about it or the concept. People are in prison for “wacky” plans aka conspiracies to commit various crimes. And the concept of them getting together to kill him is at least as likely as him deciding

Exactly. The idea that someone would come up with a lie to avoid jail is inconceivable!

On the one hand I really don’t think this bullshit behavior will stop if we ignore it. On the other hand I don’t want to hear about a goddamn single person in this stupid ass drama. They all fucking suck and I wish the lot of them would hop into a flaming dumpster.

I don’t know where you get the idea that pointing out the consequences of corruption is somehow about making perfect decisions. This is about dereliction of duty, wrong-headed deliberate shit, and open corruption of bought and paid for politicians who are enriching already rich assholes on the taxpayer’s dime given

Wrong comment