Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Why would a privatized space program be a good thing? Privatization only makes shit more expensive and I’m not sure that encouraging jackasses to look for an escape from Earth is a good use of time and resources when the rest of us still have to live on this planet they’re killing.

“Promise made, promise kept,” he said Wednesday. “I made a promise to New Yorkers on the campaign trail to put in place a specialized unit that’s going to zero in on gun violence. I also made the promise that we are not going to duplicate the problems we had in the past.”

Indeed. That mugshot needs to be plastered everywhere!

Is it laziness or just an unwillingness to go after this particular defendant?

Well of course the other three “friends” corroborated the damn story, the only one who could refute it is dead.

And what of the tox screen for the asshole who killed Mr. Spencer? What was in it?

These jackasses acting like people don’t fucking lie. 

Typical for white apologists to come in here talking all kinds of bullshit about how the dead Black person had to be murdered because (insert story that can’t be verified because the person is now dead.) It’s never the murderous white person’s fault they killed someone and always the Black victim’s fault right?

Of course he does. White killers would never come up with a self-serving bullshit story to get out of going to jail.

Stop feeding the troll.

Racist ass trolls need to stop projecting and stay the fuck out of my inbox. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever for you demon!

I don’t think the implication was that the Ukrainians were worse than the Russians. Frankly, this isn’t the only racist shit being let out of the bag by white people forgetting that they need to filter that shit in front of a camera. The amount of blatant racism in the new news defies the usual gaslighting, although I

This is dumb as fuck, which apparently is on brand for this damn fool. Nothing says “I don’t give a fuck about your children or your teachers’ lives than no vaccine or mask mandate.”

This is blatantly unconstitutional but let’s be real, they never gave a fuck about that to begin with.

These people always claim that racism is too much for their brats to learn about racism but they never are concerned about how Black children are experiencing racism, from their brats.

It should be illegal to be a goddamn confederate rim jobber. Fucking ridiculous the way they insist on rewriting erasing history.

You wouldn’t believe how many Dominicans applying for services my old manager would have me put in as “white” in the race box. I’m looking at them like “Bitch, you’re darker than I am.”

Don’t know how they can do that AND use the specter of a the scary Black people as a way to gin up sales for the gun manufacturers who run the place.

<sigh> I know. Which I’m afraid is going to be why we’re still going to be dealing with COVID fuckery a year from now. Because it feels like politicians are busy kow towing to the loud, obnoxious, tantrum throwers and the sociopaths who pay off said politicians. All this rush to get back to “normal” like “normal” was

Don’t know why they didn’t just send one of those maskholes to do it. They don’t give a fuck about COVID anyway.