Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

It’s not like NYC is such a bastion of progressiveness anyway. This is the same city that elected that POS Ghouliani twice and Bloomberg three times.

Long overdue at that.

Not from me. He’s been on my shit list since almost the beginning.

Getting Black reporters to tell the story of his mayoralty doesn’t make his tenure not trash. I wonder if he knows this.

When it comes to COVID, yes, I am. Because unlike some people in a more privileged position, I’ve had to be out there every goddamn work day and motherfuckers are out there not doing the bare minimum to squash this shit. So yeah, I’m going to avoid fucking concerts and restaurants where assholes are walking about

Then why bother replying? I’m not getting your issue. I said that this country can’t get shit done, you talk about me being able to go places but choosing not to (which was obvious by my phrasing I thought) I’m asking why you think this country can get shit done since your implication is that it can and now you’re

And what evidence do you have that we can do things in this country? Is it the raging number of COVID cases that are still running rampant? A number, I might add, that is higher than every other developed country as well as a few developing countries? Is it the hospital overload where people are dying of treatable

Of course this bitch doesn’t have enough decency to fuck off when someone tells them they’re done.

Billionaires of all colors are all the same, feigning interest in the well being of regular people while pushing shitty policies meant to either line (or at least not tax) their pockets.

“Meta, Metamates, me,”

And yet you don’t have enough sense to get the hint and fuck off.

This bullshit is why I’m not going anywhere. The amount of money I’ve saved not dealing with this bullshit has been lovely.

What receipts? Some tweet by some outfit that only you is claiming to be a legitimate outfit?

Nobody should be surprised that they used the slurs. Surprised that they could spell them yes, that they used them? Not so much.

The daily mail is the UK equivalent of the NY Post, unworthy of even wrapping rotting fish on the off chance you think the link is worth anything.

Pretty sure Ms. Bush’s twitter handle isn’t Leftsplintered but go ahead be either stupid or mendacious (probably both) and claim I was talking about Ms. Bush and not your fucking stupid ass tweet.

I’ve always maintained that despite his heel turn, Kanye is far too valuable to the Black community to completely abandon.

Jaywalking? A man is dead because he was accused of jaywalking?

Can't or won't? The IOC is dirty as hell. It wouldn't surprise me if Russia just paid them off to ignore the drug test.

It's your time to waste but I don't consider hating on progressives to be good points.