Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

It was a white woman so of course they thought that was just fine.

That doesn’t really change dude’s toxic colorist attitudes and no baby girl or boy really needs to have to deal with it but girls tend to be on the shit end of that stick when dealing with it.

I used to listen to a podcast put on by a lawyer that went over criminal justice fuckery and sex crimes were often part of the fuckery. I don’t put anything past a cop. So while I didn’t hear of this particular bit of sexual exploitation, I don’t need it to suspect police of such wrong-doing.

Given the way the police act, they might want to look into the ranks of their officers for suspects in the cases of these missing women and girls.

I don’t care how many big name people they get to perform for the half-time show. I am not going to add to the ratings numbers of these plantation owning motherfuckers. I will not watch it. I probably won’t even acknowledge it is on.

It doesn’t even make sense to use the n-word as a comparison. The people who need the comparison aren’t the ones who are referred to by that fucking word in the first place.

Fed Ex is the kind of company that would have fired dude if he (rightfully) ran the motherfucker with a gun over.

I’m not surprised at all. Fed Ex has a reputation for being a shit employer. Based on the number of their employees whose paychecks I’ve seen in the course of my job, the reputation is earned.

Hope his family sues the hell out of city and police department.

So basically the cherokee purple asshole is slandering a dead man as a murder suspect, dude had the right to have a gun in his house with the requisite permit, cops busted down his fucking door for no reason and now he’s dead because these assholes are fucking cowards who think everyone Black is a suspect.

What the fuck?

Oh that’s cute, copying and pasting from the dictionary as though the “membership of a particular group” includes an entire fucking profession.

Now the moronic cop-suckers thing that disliking cops makes one a bigot. Like being a cop is something intrinsic about a person that they can’t take off, like their skin color.

Right after the march they hold for Philando Castile right?

Anyone who voted to confirm that unqualified twit, Amy Comey Barret, can shut the entire fuck up about what the fuck they want.

“They loudly and repeatedly announced ‘police search warrant,’ before they crossed the threshold into the apartment, and ongoing as they made entry,” she said.

I don’t have the time (nor frankly the inclination) to take deep dives into what is often piles of shit to find diamonds in the rough that one might, if one were Democratically inclined, to use as evidence that they might actually give a damn about the people whose votes they demand seek out every 2 to 6 years

Aside from the student loan bit they don’t help enough people to make up for things like losing the child tax credit or having to start paying back the loans after being promised some relief in the form of eliminating said debt. Given that the inability to discharge student loan can be laid at the feet of Joe Biden

I think they are under the impression that a list of things that don’t actually improve people’s lives in a way that’s noticeable is going to convince certain voters to make the effort to come out and vote.

Southern Baptists by definition don’t qualify as the former. Quite frankly, none of the loudmouth public pontificators in the political sphere who claim to be religious, and that includes the ones with their own cable stations, qualify as the former.