Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Because he doesn’t want to do it. As he told his money people, fundamentally, nothing will change.

I want to say unbelievable but it’s completely believable.

I don’t know how the hell this can’t be about race. It’s only white on white crime if you ignore the Black German population that was in Germany before the Nazis took over. Which unfortunately, isn’t very well known.

We did go to other sims, they’re called field trips. We did one on an amusement park sim, another on a sim that was about ocean animals. 

Well, when I say RP I mean RP. Not someone pretending to be a CEO or a DJ in a sim where there are maybe 5 people with three of them being their alts.

I hope for the child’s sake that it’s a boy since he seems to have an issue with dark-skinned girls.

I actually enjoyed Second Life for what it was until it became a giant suck for people trying to sell you shit. I spent most of the time I was there role playing and I had so much fun but it had to close down in large part because the cost of “land” was so gd expensive that even with renting on the rp sim it was just

Ya’ll have media. It’s certainly cheaper than buying ads in NY. So where are the ads? The party constantly begs for money for such things. Why not try that? The effort even if one fails is worth more than just shrugging and moving on. People will respect the effort in a losing cause.

Where in my criticism was I dishonest or uninformed? Are you not seeing the same patterns that the Dems have been repeating for 30+ years?

Notice when they talk about affirmative action they never ever ever talk about the affirmative action that has existed from the beginning and continues to today. They call it legacy admissions.

There’s a mix of both, for sure - but more damningly, there’s a lack of legislative power to make these things a reality, whether we have support from our side of Congress, or not.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was obligated to get busted doing this non-work related reading in order to give Biden cookies for doing the bare fucking minimum. I would expect him to have more attorneys looking out for civil rights than the open klansman he replaced. That doesn’t change the fact that while throwing

Technically, I suppose one can call failing to pass a bill that strengthens voters rights doing something but the results are the same as doing nothing. Furthermore, the executive order doesn’t really stop states from just not counting the votes or not allowing someone who registered to actually vote which is what is

That’s all well and good and it’s about bloody time quite frankly.

Hmmm. It’s almost as if the -er authorities were invested in not finding anything.

To be fair, I scrolled past the sub-header. I can’t leisurely scroll through articles when I’m sneaking reads in at work.

You did read about this very incident on this very site before. I believe the boy’s father is going after the school for this mess.

Based on the title I didn’t think it was a sugar baby thing I thought it was a job with the company that runs the app.

He probably means that God-awful tap-dancing fool who is the attorney general for the state. (Whose name is not coming to me at this moment.)

These motherfuckers are SO predictable. They failed to properly bolster the Voting Rights Act so they’re going to fix this, then claim they did something and call it a day. Meanwhile the suppression goes on.