Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

School District in Florida Cancels Professor’s Civil Rights Lecture Over Concerns of Critical Race Theory People Learning Actual History

Looks like it’s time for yet another discussion about the problems of the white community and why it is that they are so violent.

If I weren’t so quick with a dismiss button it would be really bloody obvious just how derailing this “well actually” bullshit about the semi-automatic vs assault rifle or whatever fuckery no one but the ammo-sexuals care about because all I have in my damn inbox are assholes going on about the fucking gun who seem to

Shit is really fucked up. What I’m about to share has nothing to do with shitty voting patterns, Democratic incompetence, or the absolute refusal to those in power to actually do something for the people they claim to represent. But it does illustrate the sense of entitlement rich people have and how the rest of us

In the process of bending over backwards and applying lots of carrot and no stick, he’s alienating the progressive part of the party. He literally threw Bernie Sanders under the bus in his attempt to explain away why he’s barely gotten jack shit done. And frankly he hasn’t gotten much done since last spring. That’s a

It seems to me that Democrats seem to prefer being in the minority so that they can have an excuse for not passing the things they keep promising people. As it is they sabotage the things they claim to be for. That’s another reason why we don’t need the filibuster. They claim that keeping the filibuster keeps the

Dude wasn’t carrying a fucking pistol asshole.

The point is to put pressure on recalcatrant senators by pissing off their constituents so the constituents can raise hell and make shit uncofortable for them. You don’t do that by making a speech in a state where the representatives are actually helping your agenda to people who can’t do shit to put pressure on the

You’re not correcting anything you’re being a pedantic asshole and doing so on a point of ZERO import. Nobody gives a fuck whether or not the gun is technically a fucking assault rifle or whatever. It’s a goddamn gun that can spit out multiple dozens of bullets before the target can blink and this rancid son of a

You can shut the fuck up too pendejo!

Shut the fuck up! Nobody gives a single solitary fu k about the distinction without a difference you're on about. Your  "well actually" fuckshit is a distraction from the actual point of discussion. 

White people always want to find petty shit Black people may or may not be doing wrong while entire felonies are occurring right under their nose. 

I expected him not to throw progressives under the bus while doing fuck all but bend over backwards for the likes of Senators Karen and Coal Mine.

Who is we? I voted for Bernie in the primaries. You can ask Mr. Stuck in 1992 Clyburn for this fuckery; useless old tapdancing fool that he is.

So he doesn’t head the party and can’t snatch a couple of motherfucker’s committee chair seats?

I actually like Mitch McConnell. We like one another. But he has one straightforward objective: make sure that there’s nothing I do that makes me look good in the mind.

No surprise there, he’s merely saying the quiet shit out loud. And I’m sure there will still be gaslighting white people who will have some explanation as to why the answer to “why did he say that” is “because he is racist” is wrong.

It is painfully obvious that TPTB don’t give a single solitary fuck about any of us. They especially won’t be interested in a bunch of minors who can’t donate money to their campaigns. (I initially was going to say who can’t vote for them but they don’t give a fuck about those of us who can vote but don’t donate

Why would they listen to the kids? They don’t even listen to adults whose votes they claim they want.

Even the stuff amateurs using open source stuff make and upload onto their avatars look better than this shit. And that was years ago as it’s been quite some time since I’ve done Second Life.