Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

If they want to do this they could just go to Second life which has been doing this longer and it looks better too.

That’s why monopolies are a scourge and ought to be broken up. Unfortunately, the asshats who run the country are too busy taking money from the very companies trying to monopolize everything to actually do anything about it.

The easiest way to pretend that they’re not suppressing the vote is to limit the supply of applications. The applications will be readily available in white neighborhoods the same way voting machines are plentiful in white neighborhoods, which was the point.

That’s because it’s not about the amount of money, it’s about who the money is spent on. They simply do not want to ever ever ever ever ever spend money on Black people.

Gee how convenient. A limited supply of forms and no online registration. It’s almost like they’re trying to limit the number of people who get to vote. What a surprising turn of events.

Yes, it is. Why the WSJ has any reputation other than as a hack mouthpiece for Faux so-called News is beyond me.

They don’t want it but they sure as fuck don’t want YOU to have it either.

I doubt they’d even do that much. They get resentful at the tiniest of measures and then expect gratitude for the bare minimum of basics which oddly enough never includes paying out money to make people whole.

Thanks for the heads up. I can remedy my mistake easily enough. It will probably dismiss my replies and yours.

A Black cop getting away with killing a white woman so infrequently that the fact that he was convicted is in and of itself evidence of bias against Black people.

WTF? Time to get on the email machine and send some nastygrams to Pluto. That flaming shit pile doesn’t need to be aired anywhere.

“I don’t presume to speak for Jason, but it is my sincere hope that he and his family are given their privacy as they make this transition, with Jason having served the majority of his time in solitary confinement.”

WTF is this supposed to mean? The words look like English but they way they’re been put together makes absolutely no sense.

Which means they could still be on the air during the 2024 Presidential election season (which is going to be a shitshow and a half.)

Because while you have (probably saved up over time) 400 bucks you don’t have the equivalent of rent money to spend on such an item. It may be a luxury item but it’s not meant to be on par with a goddamn private plane.

Wealthy people tend to become wealthier despite all kinds of shit economic conditions that send the rest of us to the poorhouse.

Given that neither seems to be moving white people away from their position of defending white supremacy...

No, they don’t. Stop this fucking bullshit. The excuse-making is already fucking pathetic enough as it is. Nobody is interested in your excuses for white supremacy.

Again, you know good and goddamn well that moving violations are not on par with what people think of when the words “rap sheet” is brought up. Just fucking stop making excuses for this fuckery.

In other words, they’re not in stock and available. Available and in stock implies one can walk to the store without finding some club, website, or twitter account and purchase.