Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

This is a white woman and a cop. What are the odds that she does the max?

Well! Merry Christmas to us!

I certainly think that a mistrial is what the lawyers are looking for if not full exoneration. Frankly, the fact that it’s taking this long doesn’t bode well at all.

I’m not even giving her that much benefit of the doubt. You can’t have much regard for someone’s well being if you’re going to taze them while they’re in a 2000 lb. vehicle that could end up out of control (like it did when she shot him with the gun)

Name and shame these fuckers because there should never be any hiding from this sit in the future.

Of course she meant to shoot him. Whether by tazer or gun she absolutely meant to fucking shoot him.

“On a moving forward basis, the town will no longer issue statement after statement every time a similar incident is discovered and/or reported,” town leaders said in a prepared statement. “Our fear is that the constant attention created by doing so is simply encouraging more of the same, which in some cases

It’s almost as if it was a bad idea to just open shit up while pretending we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic that was not actually under. Who would have thought that not mandating vaccines, masks, and locking down while paying people to stay home rather than allowing them to go broke and become desperate was a

I was going to call him the POS senator from the coal industry until I remembered that his daughter is a POS pharma crook.

There are a lot of people who owe them an apology for all the shit they were talking about that no vote. They were absolutely right. (And as much as I like them it didn’t take a genius to notice patterns and treat the past as prologue.)

The ceremonial aspects interest me less than the practicalities at this point. When we as Black people are not materially better off than we were over 50 years ago, there’s a problem. When we can see for ourselves that the Democratic party will put things that affect us aside (even when to do so fucks themselves over)

And when we continue to vote for a party that literally gives us nothing we end  up in the same position, politically irrelevant and disregarded.

This is pathetic. There’s  no amount of money worth the lack of dignity this shit entails.

Gee, what a surprise, the piece of shit senator of the state’s corporations is also a maskhole.

This is why people were saying NOT to separate the BBB from the infrastructure bill. They knew that someone was going to pull this shit. (People being anyone with damn eyes and some sense)

I don’t get why some people think we’re supposed to “prove” we can make fuckers irrelevant by voting for more milquetoast fucks who won’t do shit but betray us.

Why take this fuck out of the grays?

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming.  Predicted it actually.

Where did I imply that Biden as president can make law? (Although the student loan thing can be done by executive order if he were at all interested in it and I most certainly can and will blame him for that)

I am well aware the fix is in. I am beyond the point where I have any faith in this country or its systems. However, for those who insist on pretending otherwise, I take great pleasure in bursting that bubble.