Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

1. You can’t have a representative democracy when bribery is legalized and what the masses want mean less than your donors.

It doesn’t benefit me at all but looking like you’re cravenly making promises you have no intention of keeping isn’t going to get people to go out to vote for you in the midterms or for reelection.

“Normal” was shit. I was looking for better than that but as he told his donors:

The freeze thaws on February 1, 2022. Maybe he doesn’t care if the party gets its ass kicked in the midterms but given that it doesn’t look like his Build Back Better is going anywhere (gee the right-winged so-called moderate Dems aren’t passing it after getting their way who would’ve thunk it?) a big ol’ hike in

I’d be rather unsurprised if a mostly white jury found some excuse to believe this bullshit; that’s what they do in this country.

Given that he has already said that he would be fine with this -er wench even if she deliberately shot him with her gun rather than with her taser (on the dubious assumption that she did in fact accidentally shot him with said gun) and apparently you have to lean over 250 lbs of fat fuck onto someone’s neck for damn

Depends on your definition of “works well."

Doesn’t matter where you are in the hierarchy if you’re NYPD you’re a trash ass motherfucker. Period.

Nobody’s buying that sedative bullshit. Now let’s get her ass off the bench and pick through her cases with a fine tooth comb because you know there’s racist bullshit in those decisions of hers.

That is true but it doesn’t help that we have Dems talking this idiocy about bipartisanship when we all know good and goddamn well that the Republicans aren’t interested in doing jack shit but make shit worse until they can take control (where they will continue to make shit worse.)

People who make the claim that we should not “politicize” x, y, or z are always people who benefit from the status quo and have the “luxury” of not having to do politics because their interests are always covered.

Gee what a surprise nasty, racist, troll makes nasty assumption about someone murdered by the police.

This is definitely a cave to right-winged bullshit.

The problem is, a human being is not in the best position to establish their relative position in punching up or punching down. Bias is going to play a big factor there.

Now that he’s got his freedom I’m sure he’ll go back to being “just OJ” and forget about Black people again.

Is it? Because I’ve read the comments section of any story about the police murdering a Black person and my comment is nowhere near the level of sheer malicious glee these assholes show when shit happens to us.

It’s dumb as hell but look at how no one is talking about Twitch’s problem with policing their white supremacist problem they are doing this shit on behalf of the very white supremacists who they refuse to do shit about. Because I can guarantee that the white supremacist trolls are the ones who ran up a bunch of

This entire mess is nothing more than a deflection. Twitch has a white supremacist problem they’re doing fuckall to fix. But if they ban a couple of people for saying cracker they can look like they’r edoing something. Meanwhile the white supremaicist problem is still ongoing and Twitch is doing fuckall.

I actually do think he did it but I don’t feel bad AT ALL about how mad white people are that he got away with it. I revel in it. Time to pull up with some pizza, popcorn, and booze!

Given the actual harm the white supremacists do to people and the hurt fee fees of those objecting to “cracker” (assuming that their objection is actually sincere which I don’t think it is. It’s an easy way for white supremacist assholes to use the system against people they don’t like. They’ve been doing this forever