Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

I wouldn’t be caught dead in Louisiana and if you go to New Orleans you’re likely to be caught dead where you came from after.

It feels like talking to the wall sometimes. I could have sworn that we had conversations about shit like this happening. I could have sworn we’ve been talking about how the Dems seem real nonchalant given that the people being targeted are people they depend on to win.

What presumptions are made about you because you’re white? That you went to normal regular functioning schools? That you won’t get shot by police? That you’re considered default? These harm you how?

Except “cracker” is not slur regardless of their pretense that it is one. This nonsense allows the same people who would harass a Black Twitch steamer to then turn their ire on someone by pretending to be offended at a word because they claim it’s offensive to white people. You have the same effect of only white

Apparently the people who got Hasan banned from Twitch are saying exactly that.

Their set asides are inadequate and given that the people already in the neighborhood could easily move into the new housing if it were built with their affordability in mind you could improve without displacing. They don’t do that.

Still waiting for the slur since cracker is no more a slur than white or Karen.

But they don’t build anything affordable. And what they claim is affordable isn’t actually affordable to people who aren’t well off and if it is actually affordable you’d have a better chance of winning an actual lottery than winning that housing lottery. The least they can do is make it so people who are already

How does a word that a marginalized group use for the group that marginalizes them becomes a slur that marginalizes a dominate group? Because that is the argument you’re making and it’s specious AF.

Well, they can start with actual slurs then. The fact that they protect white supremacists while allowing marginalized people to be harassed is a heluva lot more offensive than Hasan’s use of the word “cracker.”

Seriously! WTF?! I don’t care if he didn’t give permission, you make a false allegation like that your face needs to be plastered EVERYWHERE. (Which if that motherfucker’s dumb enough to have his face on his linkedin profile may be just the vehicle one needs to make that happen. Now if someone draws a clown nose on

The answer to gentrification isn’t to try to keep things the same and pump money to existing residents so they can fight the rising tide.

This is the same league that had some annoying white dude who was unvaccinated claiming he was right?

Same. That thing pictured is absolutely NOT fruitcake.

I don’t know what the fuck that monstrosity you have pictured is supposed to be but whatever it is, it is not fruitcake. It looks like stale freckled bread. Calling that mess fruitcake is a misnomer. It’s nowhere near dark enough to qualify and big pieces of desiccated fruit from the bulk bin that’s not been soaked

When dude checks the fucking receipt then hands over the order, it is in fact obvious that they did get paid.

The other worker literally handed her her goddamn order. So obviously, they did get paid. That notwithstanding, this motherfucker called in the guns over a dispute over a pizza payment. He wouldn’t do this to a white person hence the fucking racism.

You are really working overtime to make excuses for that racist ass worker.

I think someone is making a shit-ton of excuse for white supremacy (as is their habit.) Pizza Hut has their own damn deliveries why would they need Crud-hud who would take more money off the top rather than take all the funds as they would with their own. I don’t think that explanation based on given the most generous

I don’t know why people keep paying attention to Koonye. He’s fucking done, has been for quite some time and frankly, if none of his other fuckshit didn’t bother you, him hugging up on Agent Orange Foolius like he was some great fat orange savior should have done it. I don’t know what to say to people at this point.