Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

This assumes that the desire to collect the necessary data was sincere.

Why the fuck is this shit voluntary?

Again, you’re talking out of your ass shitting on people whose circumstances you have no idea about. These are the very people whose right to vote is being targeted by Republicans because they tend to vote Democratic and the Democratic party is doing jack shit to protect them and you think that you get to demand these

It would appear so. I guess next time someone should include a disclaimer. “Rank does not mean attempt to find the least desirable candidate possible.”

I’d vote for her either way.

I think you mean governor.

Targeting you? I am disputing the dumb shit you said. What am I supposed to do address someone else who did not reply to me and tell them how ridiculous I found something YOU said? And yes, claiming that people on the bottom of the sociopolitical latter are some kind of privileged purist is dumb shit you said it so

Yeah, we know that the privacy argument is sheer fuckery. I mean she didn’t have any issues putting that video out with her name and her face on it so yeah, claiming privacy is bullshit. I’m assuming they’re hoping this shit will die down. I can only hope someone kept this video so they can put out on social media

I don’t actually see the problem with disclosing the specifics of disciplinary actions; you can do so without giving names. This “policy” appears to be the type of thing school boards fall back on when they do not want to let people know that they’re not actually doing anything.

That’s because you don’t know what you’re talking about. People don’t get paid to vote and 6 hours is heluva investment in time when they have to literally take food out of their children’s mouths to vote to not get a damn thing for their trouble. That’s not even going into those who had to work to convince people who

2021 and we still need straw white people to pretend to either own or be interested in buying shit for us so we don’t get ripped off.

Actually, it’s the more privileged position to be in a spot to shit on people for not voting or for believing that their vote was not of enough import to take time away from work or other things to cast it.

Yes, but there’s a huge difference in outlook when one assumes Hillary was owed someone’s vote (ie blame the voters) vs putting the blame on her for being a shit politician (blame the candidate.)

Most likely that the algorithm isn’t sending people to Black influencers.


One would think that that possibility would have crossed their minds. Yet somehow it simply slipped right past them. It’s almost as though they didn’t try.

Your comment wasn’t fucking reasonable that’s what I’m saying but you don’t fucking get it. Whether it’s sheer ignorance or out of arrogant stubbornness I don’t know, nor do I care. You’re wasting my fucking time and I’m fucking done.

Then maybe if you’re not implying they should you should STFU and let people fucking protest without your finger wagging.

When your main concern is about people “taking opportunities” to help this POS become a better person, your concern is more about rehabbing the POS than the people who might end up in his crosshairs. You don’t have to say it explicitly for it to be a not at all made up and accurate assessment of your argument. That’s

I didn’t make up a goddamn thing. I used YOUR words and the implications of them to rightly tell you where you need to stick that entitled bullshit attitude.