Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

I get what you’re saying but there are a lot of us making excuses and not getting that shot for no good reason. Frankly, I’ve lost patience with them.

We’d be better off if he stuck to the usual targets of shitheads like him, his family and people in his social circle.

People need to stop letting that motherfucker out of the grays and if he has been let out by someone on staff then we need to have a conversation about that fuckshit.

Judge? What judge, I saw two defense attorneys, one by his side and the other in a set of dyed klan robes.

That’s all the fuck I need and I sure as fuck point it out to asshats when they say “He’s not racist.”

You’ve surpassed my quota for excuse-making fuckery for the day.

Let’s hope they don’t waste it.

Works for me!

1. What do you think one has to do to end up running into a cop in one’s day to day actions?

For this to be correct you have to agree with the notion that an openly armed white man is innocuous even when aiming said gun at people. That is bullshit and it’s a definition of self defense steeped in white supremacy. Furthermore, Shittenhouse started this shit and you can’t (or rather shouldn’t be allowed to)

Warning, Jackson Teller is the troll onetreekill ya’ll

Perhaps if you understood how white supremacy works you’d get it. But it doesn’t affect you as a white person so you can afford to ignore it. You, like Biden will be fine.

I’m putting this here since the white man decided to dismiss me for daring to let him know what I think of his federal charges will be coming theory of knowing nothing.

They also need to be fired although I have little to no hope of that actually happening.

LOL Some asshole is trying to call me dumb for noticing patterns in this country and applying them accordingly.

1. Who said anything bout depending on the cops. It’s abundantly clear that they can’t be relied upon to do shit but kill us which is what happens when we carry. I don’t know where you are given there’s not a place in the US of A where the cops don’t shoot first and ask questions later especially when it comes to a

At least for some of us which is exactly what they want. That’s their motto: rights for me but not for thee.

He’s not going to get hit with federal charges. Fucking Biden is talking about respecting the verdict and moving forward as though this doesn’t represent an existential threat to anyone of color or potential allies.  Biden and his will be fine moving forward. The rest of us will not.

Why the fuck are you letting this hateful ass racist POS troll out of the grays?

Punitive is not the only damage he can go for.