Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

He can do that with an extra zero. We need to stop low-balling the worth of Black lives and suffering. (Insofar as one has to put a price on such things of course.)

I would much prefer sabotaging their shit or something. There’s something to be said about a slit throat although I assume it’s not nowhere near as easy as it appears in the movies or on TV.

Absolutely. They are telling white people that should they act on the side of justice for Black people that they will basically blacken them up and declare open season on them.

I don’t think everyone who disagrees with me is a white supremacist. However, if you think this verdict was just, fair, or right then you are either a white supremacists, or an asshole who makes excuses for them and again, you fuck off.

Fair enough.

WTF is wrong with this lawyer? Add a damn zero to that number. 

The asshole you're replying to is straight racist trash. Is that who you think should gatekeep worthiness?

I certainly hope not.

White supremacy excuse making trolls can fuck right on off. 

So this bitch ass piece of shit had the right to go patrol and shoot them to “protect” himself but the unarmed protesters he murdered didn’t have the right to try to disarm him to protect themselves from a murderous asshole?

Don’t get your hopes up, the federal government won’t do jack shit. They’ll “investigate” then declare there isn’t enough evidence for a trial.

By accident do you mean a hole some how magically appearing in the middle of their sloped forehead? Because I am definitely hoping for an accident like that.

It’s worse than that. They are basically saying that white men can holster up with visible weaponry and you’re not allowed to see them as a threat and treat them accordingly. YET, a Black man with no weapon is seen as a threat by merely existing in the same space.

To be fair, I don’t think that most American Christians (frankly wouldn’t be surprised if it were a world wide phenomena but I’m going to avoid making gross generalizations here) aren’t really Christians given how so much of the tenets of Christianity read like communism to people here.

I saw that bit about Flynn yelling about a single state religion. I hope the Christians realize that religion isn’t gonna be Christianity.

It isn’t stopping that horse-faced potato head Marjorie Traitor Green from running her piehole.

I don’t know if Nestor is doing it for him but I know that college students rigorously compete for these jobs that this hebephile is offering this high school dropout.

No surprise here. Crime in service of white supremacy does, in fact, pay.

It’s because they are under the delusion that freedom means unfettered ability to do what they want, when they want, where they want, with no regards to others around them. The are a selfish simpleton’s notion of freedom and certainly not an outlook that respect freedom for anyone else.
