Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

I have no issue with that. I just don’t have any faith of that dingleberry spending as long as 3 years in that prison. I wouldn’t mind seeing his dumb ass in solitary for as long as he’s there.

We shall see. I don’t trust not one of these motherfuckers.

You assume he’ll do the 3 years.

Is there really a question that harm was done? 

I’m pretty sure that he was hunting people but if they let that bit of truth the obviousness of their racist yearnings would be laid bare. Can’t have that.

What part of “fuck off” did you not understand?

No, but it’s not hard to imagine. That’s apparently the thing asshole white people do to show they’re...

That whole “Let’s go Brandon” thing is so fucking corny.

You are free to fuck the entire hell off.

No, that’s a rhetorical question only an asshole fucking thinks there’s an answer to. There is no goddamn issues a functional adult has that eclipses the death of a spouse and a child.

Given that the 2nd amendment is meant to uphold slave patrols in the first place it’s doing exactly what it’s meant to do.

Except he wasn’t legally allowed to have that gun in the first place. Not that this biased POS defense attorney judge gives a fuck about that.

I just read over on Gizmodo that the Gas Exporting Countries Forum has formally complained to the United Nations about the “ongoing reductionism and cancel culture on hydrocarbons.”

My understanding is that if you have certain issues with allergic reactions to vaccines then you shouldn’t get the shot. It is also my understanding that that number is rather small and certainly isn’t as large as the number of lying asses claiming to need a medical exemption.

They need 3 years before?

Are you implying that the death of a spouse is of so little impact that her issues beforehand would negate the impact that these callous assholes had on her with the way they handled the case?

He died in 2020. Why the fuck do they need records from 2017?

Maybe if these fucking pigs had a goddamn sense of decency instead of releasing pictures of a helicopter accident there wouldn’t be a fucking lawsuit.

Please dismiss the fake dudebra. If you hover over his name you’ll note that his profile name is jimcrowjoe.

Who let that motherfucker out of the grays?