
EA’s over here like:

The usual Facebook cycle:

A lack of cars could signify something in and of itself. A community of people who mostly walk or ride bicycles or take public transportation may fall into certain demographics based on the people who DO drive cars in the area.

I skipped thru and at like 2:20 I think there are two chairs that still have tags on them...?

They screwed it up when they made being verified an elite status club - if you’re verified, you can turn off notifications and maybe even all tweets (not sure, I’m not verified) from users who aren’t also verified. You get special treatment in how you use Twitter and how everyone else uses it in relation to you. And


They need to figure it out soon, because verifying the white nationalists was a *good thing* from a legal standpoint. One of Kessler’s major arguments in court was that he wasn’t actually the person making violent threats, doxxing activists, and more from his Twitter; his verification proved all of that wrong by

Mashable screwed Mashable.

It’s amazing to see the amount of vitriol that is still being directed at the new GB. There have been hundreds of ‘bad’ movies (I quite liked it) since then, but anytime it comes up the hate parade starts all over.

That’s so freaking sad.

Privacy experts balk at the idea of giving face data to enormous companies like Apple and Facebook

Half these men commenting remind me of this guy I used to be friends with who would negatively post about every remake or movie with women as the lead and couch it all in pseudo-cinematic jargon. I was like dude, you still live in your parents’ house and you work leading trivia at a dive bar, cut the shit.

Die Moist

I hope the feminists are taking over. These fragile boys have shown how the smallest things can upset their whole lives. Poor babies.

Let’s start a female led “Die Hard” rumor. Because nothing is sacred, fellas.

The Grimaldis give good gossip and great bone structure. They’re a tabloid’s dream.

This just in... Ann Coulter is a ROMULAN.

In some good news.

  • The Senate’s Russia investigation is reportedly looking into Our Lady of RT, Jill Stein. [BuzzFeed]

I know just who to contact