
I can’t wait. This was supposed to have been made into a film years ago but Scott Rudin, who had purchased the film rights, just sat on it. So glad we are going to see an extension of this book. It scared the bejesus out of me and gave me a great NYC history lesson.

If you know what a Faraday cage is, you probably don’t steal packages.

Alright so I can add something here. I don’t wanna sell it as the juiciest thing, but:

I just need to not see that first month of “no, you’re the schmoopy” of every new relationship. This should work perfectly.

Yup, “upright” might’ve been the better word choice.

They swim in long-sleeved blouses and pants, and every man who’s free goes down to the beach to watch them.

SO irritating!

Just recently tried to get into this show. One big problem: it engaged one of the tropes which I find supremely, increasingly annoying: the main female character is shown having HAWT TEEVEE SECS* within the first 10 minutes. It’s really lazy, and so many shows, even “classy” ones like Mindhunters, indulge in it. The

Like the iconic Coca-Cola bottles, then and now.

Gah! Just Gah!

Americans need to reacquaint themselves with the lifestyle trend of hobo (Ho-bo). Living in cardboard boxes tastefully insulated with old newspaper, draping yourself in fourth-hand fashion stolen out of donation boxes, and sumptuously dining from dented cans of outdated meat and veggies foraged from dumpsters. Our new

You really would think that consent would be fairly easy to understand.

Typical sexual predator. He can’t take “no” for an answer.

They are. There was a study made the rounds a few years back, but TLDR: Target is Wal-mart for “comfortable” people.

“pivot to video” is right up there with removing the headphone jack as the most annoying tech trend of the year.

Most people who (try) to raise their dogs vegan piss me off. Unless you’re willing to spend as much or more on your pet’s food than your own, then vegan dog-raising is not for you.

If corporations are people, then they should be sent to a mental institution:

You mean the guy whose wife and family come in to the office and do work for him?

The book has so much fan fair around it because of Caleb’s historian degree. He replicated NYC life in 1896 so thoroughly it made media/publishers/scholars/entertainment people all take notice of him. Also, his dad was a member of Jack Kerouac’s inner circle so Caleb has a crazy family life.

Oh god. This is the best book. So happy this has FINALLY made it onto a screen. I remember sitting up late one night reading the book and I got to one part and got so freaked out I closed the book and turn on infomercials (do they still exist?).