
This story has no good guy.

Lol, there is nothing “silly” about recognizing the (not all that) modern phenomenon where women make their own money and support themselves and are capable of paying their own way. (Also, for a variety of reasons, not sure you can really ascribe men tending to pick up the tab to “hundreds of thousands of years of

Places that cheat to try to nickle and dime their patrons are usually on their way out anyway.

Oh the fun of being a woman. If we do complain we get called Karen in a millisecond. If we don’t complain we get jack all and get blamed for not complaining. Do I need to point out the irony?

Yeah, the one near me had a woman touting “locally grown” produce.

“Actually shops at a farmer’s market” should start shopping at actual farms. This shit goes down all the time at the farmer’s market too.

I think it’s Christina Applegate because she was married to Johnathon Schaech who was famously Ellen’s beard. 

Yes you can expect people to be respectful of your things. What is this bullshit? There is no way he didn’t know better and was doing as he pleased because he’s an entitled ass. 

The fridge also gazes into you.

“...it’s a price to pay for being hospitable.”

Where is she though? It’s seems crazy to me that the no one seems to know where she is...

In 1996, he conceived a movie about a “group of friends who go to a diner late at night

I know. It always made me laugh at the editors insistence that Playgirl was for women only, when it was obvious that mostly gay men were buying it. At least in their later years they sort of half acknowledged who was really buying the magazine.

I mean, does anyone under 35 remember that they interviewed Jimmy Carter, while he was running for president? Imagine that happening now. We haven’t evolved past prudery as much as we might think.

They’ve always had women and gay writers. In their heyday, the “Playboy Interview” was the gold standard of journalistic interviews. They’ve always taken liberal political stances (including on women’s rights and lgbt rights). The publisher was a woman for over 20 years (Christie Hefner).

Through the decades, the writing in Playboy has actually been quite good.  This isn’t some huge departure.  

Women dies stupidly, trying to reach a bus that a guy died stupidly in.

Why would they need “years” of phone data for a rape?  To dig through her past and decide if she is a “whore” or not and/or not worthy of justice?

This. They're not leftists they're just lazy fucks who don't want to work and like fucking hipsters. 

A recent anonymous blog criticizing Khachiyan and Nekrasova included photos of the latter hanging up an SS flag in someone’s house...She also wrote in a 2015 tweet, that she will doubtless also argue was a big joke for fun: “Let’s be clear on one thing. I am not and have never been a liberal or a leftist. I’m a