
I’m guessing someone is going to get fyred over this festival.

Between this, the election in France and the fact that I got to reconnect with friends I’ve known for 13 years all weekend I’m feeling really happy. I hope these young women receive the support they need to reintegrate into their communities.

“I was trying to explain that all hospitals are required by law to treat patients in need of emergency care regardless of their ability to pay and that the Republican plan does not change that,”

semi-unrelated - my dad played rugby for like 20 years and he went back for one last “old guys” match and took an elbow to the top of his head. no major damage, just a lot of blood (because head wounds bleed a loooooooot, as you well know)

Hey there! LONG time, no hear! I’m still rattling around in the comments, but oh how I miss those Gawker days! Glad to hear you have recovered from your fall.

Read about the whole incident. He fell down several times. At one point they put a knapsack full of books on him to keep him from rolling over. He got up and, well, what happens when you put a full knapsack on someone dangerously drunk and suffering from head trauma?

She lost several important functions, but her personality and intellect is still the same. Everything else is negotiable, I guess.

Gnarly! You’re in for a world of weird feelings once your nerves start coming back online. Hope you score a good PT!

This is terrifying. A similar frat scenario happened when I was in school a few years back when a guy fell backwards off the fencing of a back porch one story high, everyone had been drinking etc. But he was rushed immediately to the hospital which was only three blocks away and even then they didn’t know if he was

Wikileaks has straight up turned into a far-right propaganda machine. There would be some value to what they’re doing if they targeted all political parties from far left to far right. You cannot tell me that LePen hasn’t done some extremely shady deals with other governments, she literally travelled from Russia to

Now playing

Viggo Mortensen and Diane Lane in “A Walk on the Moon”. I have to go take a cold shower now.

Thank GOD you are okay and your sister heard the bump!

They look like they were trying to get into a group photo they weren’t invited to join, anyway.

I love that you’re impressed by your blood pool! Shit is easier to live through when you have a good sense of humor.

novelty hookers

My sister fell on a hard floor (possibly hitting a sharp edged chair on the way down) and fractured her skull NEARLY ALL THE WAY AROUND HER HEAD. I mean, big gaping cracks across her face, her ear, and the back of her head.

One of my coworkers fell down her basement steps when nobody else was home. She was knocked out, and came to with a compound leg fracture. She didn’t have her phone, so she had to drag herself up the steps in order to call for help. I’ve always held on tight to stair railings after what happened to her.

I’ve had an experience like that. “Was that a crash? Eh, probably nothing, just leave it... Fuuuuck it, guess I’ll go check it anyway.” I feel sick thinking about how close I was to ignoring it.

Dude, a Walk on the Moon. He never looked so, so so so hot. I am a connoisseur.

Glad you’re safe. 💕