
What a lovely group of people. Show’s how little they know of the word “fraternity” when they abandon someone to die simply because they’re cowards.

None of the 8 who were in on the negligent homicide aspect (texting about Piazza being “a problem” and opting to not call 911 for 11 critical hours) will serve a day in prison. They’ll be receiving job offers from Boston Consulting or Bain and Co. the day of their inevitable acquittal.

Check out Hildago; it’s a fluffy little historical drama about a long-ass horse race where he plays a down-on-his-luck cowboy who has faith in his trusty steed. Plus, Viggo Mortensen being cute with a horse.

The sequel is “I Still Hate to Cook,” and there’s also “I Hate to Housekeep.” Didn’t know she had an etiquette book though. Gotta get my hands on that!

The ‘denial’ was absurdly specific, so I think that they’re basically lying. “There was no directive or memorandum” - so it could have been some other type of communication - “from the Administration” - so it could have been from some other source - “that went out to employees about broadcast news channels” - neither

Hunting season?! Yes, yes it is humans...

The best of the Goldie-Chevy movies was Foul Play. Fun, reverent Hitchcock spoof (with a very irreverent plot, if you get my drift).

Did we use a lumberjack because Kim also puts on women’s clothing and hangs around in bars?

Maggie Smith was great in that...

Hey refugees. Just this week in Canada, our census data shows seniors now outnumber children. I’m sure the majority of us would love for you to join the workforce to help with the boomer bust that is going to happen. We are a lot more welcoming than our neighbours to the south. This is a quote from a poll that was

I know this sucks but watching trumps idiot base slowly realize they got fucked will be fun. I have no expectation that a single one of them will ever admit they were wrong but they’ll still get screwed

“It’s all lies. It’s all a joke.”

That’s a fair sentence. Jonathan should have kept his hands clean, instead, he had his hand in her pocket, uninvited. Oh, well; you live, you learn.

Per Snopes:

Please tell me we’re not going to see this image over and over and over again as some sort of proof of god and his goodness and the strength of his will and bla bla bla ....

No, worries, mademoiselle, the oldest hipster in Brooklyn is on the case.

Why would someone whose every move in public has been documented and photographed for the last 25 years be paranoid? Chill, bro.

They make good guard animals. A columnist for the Times has llamas, and when he fell in their field and broke his leg, the paramedics had to literally fight off the llamas to get him out of the field and into the ambulance.

They smoke (and I presume you mean cigarettes?) Harry does too, doesn’t he? I can’t imagine Charles is very happy about this. And I think the Queen is somewhat famously anti-smoking. I think I read that among the hundreds of protocols that surround being in her presence you are not allowed to smoke. When she was going