
The chicken pox virus, there’s apparently a genetic component, and nobody is quite sure of the others. But the correlation with stress is very well-known, and has been for decades.

It’s just a few Cthulhian porn shots, that’s all. What’s the risk?

Gee, some days I don’t think Italians should drive. Should I shoot him?

It’s almost always “injured male privilege”. 

Huh? I’ve had shingles on my head; on my face, in fact. The scars are still there. Why would I try to hush it up? And yes, it was stress related.

No, it does in fact work the way he claims. Stress is a definite part of the recipe for shingles. 

Musk’s dealer has a lot to answer for, but whatever he’s selling, it definitely lasts and lasts.

What a horrible, hate-filled way to kill yourself. 

Is there some kind of critic’s pact that they won’t mention Roger Rabbit when reviewing this movie?

It won’t REALLY relate to ISIS unless it’s immediately followed (well, within a few months) by Super Patriotic Pregnancy Simulator.

You’ll be happy to know that a world-renowned biochemist I know says this is bullshit. She’s a specialist in the effects of stimulants, and she says this is the most superficial, inaccurate, and sensational reading of those findings possible. 

He looks EXACTLY like my cousin, who has a similar job, and would absolutely do that if it had occurred to him.

No, dude, you’re not getting this at all. Her victim status in #MeToo should remain unchanged, because the events are unchanged. Her status as a perpetrator is completely separate, and a valid issue. One does not cancel out the other. 

I saw a posting for a “freelance” position which required you to be in the office 9-5 Monday-Friday. That’s not what “freelance” means, in fact it’s actually illegal, but nobody will push back because getting your foot in the door of a writing job in television is so competitive. Pointing out the employer is making an

It’s such a shame that people are using this to nullify her victimhood. It’s possible to be both a victim of abuse and an abuser. It does not lessen #MeToo. If you are waiting for a perfect victim, you’ll wait a long time. Rose McGowan is messy. Argento, also, is messy. And we know the cycle of abuse perpetrates

Cigarettes, beer, and tequila. The Grifter Triple Crown.

Courtney Love and Prince Charles hang out? Consider my mind blown. I would pay to watch that snack party.

Everleigh, Savannah, and Cole. They couldn’t be whiter if they tried. 

God knows, I love hating Lena Dunham, but old pets die.