
Right? This is the thing: I just don’t need to see it any more. It’s become a sort of bullshit shorthand for “serious” treatment of female characters. You want to show me what a great auteur you are? Show me the relationships between your (named female) characters. Show me a sisterhood, or a mother-daughter

Godwin was quick today

Any political statement while in uniform is against their rules. I think it is a silly regulation, but I’m not in the military. Holding up a fist is a traditional Black Power symbol—-and that falls under ‘making a political statement while in uniform’ Even if they were holding up “I’m with her” signs, or ‘we need

I am not trying to hate on Meghan Trainor but all her big songs are based around pandering the same audience if you really think about it.

so I’m not doubting that Kerry Washington, Ellen Pompeo, Viola Davis, et al Scandal actors are all Hillary supporters but I’m curious if this was just a serendipitous event in which everyone Shonda Rhimes hires supports the same candidate as her or if there is some super specific contract stuff going on

She’ll fix things that aren’t broken. She’s a chickenhawk, a wall street apologist and bought by pharma/fracking/prisons. If Sanders gets in, appoints liberal department heads and does nothing but veto republicans, we win. Hillary will appoint corrupt donors to the henhouses and only veto socially conservative bills.

If I wanted to vote for competence, I sure as fuck wouldn’t vote for the delusional revolutionary who thought we could bomb Libya and Iraq into being functional democracies. When Bernie is too incompetent to bring about his revolution, he’ll just fail to get anything through congress. When Hillary was too incompetent

I would rather have Bernie in the White House working out the solutions to these problems than Hillary working with the people who created these problems.

I think you kind of buried the lede on this. The president does not need to ride the subway. The president should have some concept of how they would execute their campaign promises.

So this is what it looks like when journalists finally start vetting Sanders, huh?

Guys imagine if HRC had said something about fucking subway tokens.

No and no. Please do some reading. Bernie is helping progressive candidates all over the country. These fundraisers are NOT for down ballot races. The money primarily goes to Hillary.

Don’t believe me? Consider what has happened to the Democratic Party since the Clintons came to power. We have lost ground at every

Many people allege this fund is being used to persuade (read “buy”) superdelegate votes from these states.

high priced fundraising dinners in general are bad. that’s the point. the american campaign system is disgusting.

That made me so sad, I was already annoyed at Gwen and how she carted around background dancers as if they were accessories. But! It turns out, it was worse than it seemed, they weren’t even allowed to talk about themselves as individuals.. Seriously, fuck Gwen.

One group that came out big for Bernie was men.

being able to sue gun manufacturers is unnecessarily litigious and unproducttiveeeeeeeeee

Now playing

Here’s a longer, more subtle conversation between Sanders and Cornell West, Nina Turner and Killer Mike about systemic racism in the black community, for anyone interested in Sanders’ thoughts on the issue;

Ugh. Ugh.

Real talk from a person raised in Kenya - we don’t eat big cat meat. Nobody does. All that ‘...so grateful for the meat, because starving Africans...’ BS is just that.