
If your “feminism” votes for one woman at the expense of 150 million women, it is not feminism.

It pains me to agree but I do. I almost think it’s that they were fighting for a voice and I think at least a couple spheres, we have one now. We’re just focused on having that voice valued. So while they’re trying to get support, get the numbers, get the movement behind a woman they don’t think is being heard,

Yeah like economic issues that are life and death for us woc, you know, the ones these feminists never considered.

So, a nicer way of saying she is more corrupt.

It’s amazing that this narrative has gained so much traction considering it’s easily debunked by a casual skimming of Sen. Sanders’ wikipedia page.

This. I have yet to see anyone reasonably explain how a congress that wouldn’t work with Sanders would somehow play ball with Hillary, who is the embodiment of the two things they hate most: Clintons and women. Congress giving Hillary Clinton an inch on anything? Talk about pie in the sky, magic wand waving and

Along those lines are the people praising her ‘pragmatism’, the same pragmatism that led her to support the Iraq War and to be against marriage equality. I’d much rather have a Democrat as President that just vetoes the shit out of everything the Republican House and Senate send their way* (and accomplishes nothing

I know...I guess her line of thinking is that it’s because she’s not a man? It’s true that her gender does grant her some outsider rights but....euuhhh....


In other words you’ve constructed a false narrative about Bernie that’s completely divorced from the facts.

PP is a huge part of the establishment...unless you are completely unaware of the landscape of politics. People move from PP to campaigns...and back again. To argue otherwise would just be completely disingenuous.

Very nice of you to leave out the fact that Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richard’s daughter works for Clinton and Planned Parenthood has donate to Hillary’s in the past (sorta to Bernie’s point about being apart of the DNC establishment)...but cool story.

They are pretty entrenched in the Democratic party establishment. That’s not really inaccurate or controversial.

I’m feeling the Bern pretty hard but he’s wrong to criticize PP in this manner. Human Rights Campaign is a joke though.

The establishment hates being called out.

I think it’s poor form for Jezebel to use Planned Parenthood’s own website comparing Sanders and Clinton as evidence in an article talking about the three parties, particularly when PP has already endorsed Clinton.

Otoh, Human Rights Campaign rates Bernie at 100% and Hillary at 89%