
As a rape victim who is also well informed on policy issues, trump is correct here. Pains me to say so, but the TPP is a complete shitshow. IF Trump can pivot and beat the war drums on economic inequality, he wins. Oops.

Yupppp. I’m puzzled by their strategy as well. Id bet the damage done to his stake in Alice 2 will be greater than just paying her off what she originally wanted. What like 20 mil? Good. Fuck their cheapness. They just played themselves.

Doing her job? She railroaded over half the room and gleefully disenfranchised half a state. I can’t believe how twisted CNN has warped things. Bernie’s campaigners have had gunshots fired into their houses. I have little sympathy for Margaret Thatcher-lite types.

She’ll fix things that aren’t broken. She’s a chickenhawk, a wall street apologist and bought by pharma/fracking/prisons. If Sanders gets in, appoints liberal department heads and does nothing but veto republicans, we win. Hillary will appoint corrupt donors to the henhouses and only veto socially conservative bills.

Why not cover his Wisconsin win? Or literally any positive coverage of this dude would be nice... Is this the best hit piece you’ve got? I expect this shit from CNN. But gawker? You’re a fucking left wing blog. The majority of your readers support Bernie. Why no discussion of Clinton Foundation donors being in the

That is correct. The superdelegates in my state that don’t vote for Sanders are losing to progressives in the next cycle. A sleeping demographic has woken up, and won’t be beholden to the corporate status quo. Keep clutching your pearls.

So.... he should *not* try to court superdelegates? This makes no sense.

Nothing is stopping him from running as an independent at this point. Or an indictment from coming down the pike.

The cat is dead. The trump kids big game hunt in Africa for fun. I believe they’ve killed an elephant too(?)There was a mini scandal about it 2 years ago. Remarkable how all the crazy RWNJ have forgotten this.

She’s such a scumbag. Can’t understand why she’s so beloved. You name the culture, she’s ripped it off: Bindis, cholo, hip hop, that stupid American squaw video. What a souless woman. And she’s aggressively unapologetic for the harajuku girls shtick. Now she’s wearing camo ... Holy fuck, I spite this woman

The verbiage in this headline: she “thinks” she was roofied? Why not just say she was? The “thinks” has a weird dismissive tone that annoys me. #SJWing

Or, you know, I’d like to have people make 15$ an hour and not go bankrupt from having cancer.

They’re cranky about establishment politics. Hillary Clinton might as well be Margaret Thatcher or better yet, Queen Elizabeth.

I like you.

Yes- as someone who spent large swaths of time in the Southeast, gun control, has been, and will continue to be politically expensive.

Yes, this exactly. “Sweetie”, “dear”, “hun” are dismissive terms against women. If a dick-haver used those terms, I’d be pissed. Imagine trump in a debate calling Hillary “dear”. Sorry I’m voting for poor people this year, not a monarchy.

The at us/ with us thing is spot on.

Ikr? The lynching and rape jokes were creepy, a la the aristocrats. There’s a time and place for it. Am a white chick, so I can’t really determine what the line is. But I was definitely clutching my pearls with those lines. Too soon for lynching jokes.

Condoms should be sexy. I agree it’s not the the porn industry’s responsibility. But seriously, the opinions on condoms (and pubic hair) are opposite between men over 35 versus under 30. “Ewww, why haven’t you shaved?” “ugh, I hate condoms, it’s like sex with a raincoat” (smashcut to me being lied about him using a

Yes, I was like omg, your boob is going to fall out! She looks amazing in that red leotard, though.