
Would you rather have the average policy results be the average be between GOP congress and a GOP lite president, or, GOP congress and radically liberal president. Her fucking SON IN LAW worked for Goldman Sachs and now runs a hedge fund. Private prison lobbies have showered her with cash, more than any candidate,

I don’t think he intended that phrase as an insult, though. It was in response to a question on why he wasn’t getting their endorsement. Bernie had a fucking 100% voting score from HRC, yet they still picked Hillary, who vocally supported DOMA a few years ago. How do you explain this other than HRC hedging bets?

Populism... how does it work? I have a vagina and yet still, prefer to not live in a monarchy.

This is the first article jezebel has written since the attack, almost a week ago.

Are we going to talk about the Cologne assaults or nah? Leading feminist blog is radio silent on coordinated hang rapes across 4+ cities?