
Vietnam worked for why the Ewoks held their own against an advanced and overwhelming Empire. But the Cold War didn't end after US withdrawl with the Vietnamese singing a cute song in the trees.

And in 1997: Dark Forces 2, aka Holy Shit My Blocky Marionette Has A Lightsaber!

As an original 70s Star Wars kid who saw each movie's original screening, I can assure you that when the ROTJ Special Edition ended with the melancholy pan flute music instead of Yub Nub I was overjoyed. The problem with Yub Nub was it reduced the scale of the whole story to an Ewok level triumph. The Rebels may have

I had just moved to San Francisco. The Ep 4 Special Edition premiered at the Coronet, one of the original premiere theaters from 1977. Of course I was excited that as a 70's nerd kid I'd get to indulge my shameful childish geeky love of Star Wars. Got to the parking lot to line up and for the first time that every

If they were going to take time for one more explicit sex scene, let it be two sympathetic characters finally getting some tenderness.

I'm just glad show ravens don't say "Corn! Corn!" which in the books is irritating even to read.

"Drop that arrow ya bloody girl. Tougher girls than you tried to kill me."

MCU or not, I feel like a truly great movie Dr Doom could be done now that Infamous Iron Man has shown who he is, or would be, under the mask. Even if the movie is classic evil conqueror Doom.

I'm not much into Inhumans besides Kamala & TV's Daisy, but on a lark I read Uncanny Inhumans #17 on Marvel Unlimited. Black Bolt's voice has been transferred to Auran and he can briefly speak while trying to help her not kill everyone. It's not a bad story at all, and interestingly Black Bolt is drawn looking much

Ahem, how could AVClub ponder Garden State falling out of favor and not mention it having a fundamental Manic Pixie Dream Girl? The very sentence in which Nathan Rabin coined the phrase: "Dunst embodies a character type I like to call The Manic Pixie Dream Girl (see Natalie Portman in Garden State for another prime

She said "superpredators" promoting a crime bill written by Joe Biden and voted into passage by Biden and Bernie Sanders. Both men are more responsible for the impact of the crime bill than the first lady could be. But "superpredators" gave white people a way to flaunt their ally bona fides without any hard work. And

Me and my brother visited the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo and had breakfast after at a nearby sushi bar. Live fish were brought in and dumped in a tank, and while we ate the chefs chopped up living fish. One guy would lop off their heads and and arrange them face up on the counter where they continued to gasp and

I loved Roger Ebert's writings but couldn't believe his four star Great Movie review just happily accepted 43 year old Woody Allen's relationship with 17 year old Mariel Hemingway. What kind of relationship would a middle aged man even have with a teenager DON'T ANSWER THAT WOODY

Snyder's movie was more faithful and did more things well than it generally gets credit for. It didn't give its characters enough humanity to invest us the story. In the book we largely connect though Laurie's POV but in the movie we just watch her from a distance. It did much better with Rorschach, which is

In the early seasons it got tiresome that Erlich would needlessly undermine every successful development. It felt similar having Richard go destructively off mission again over something petty, though at least Jared gave him appropriate shock and disgust.

Seen on Facebook: "Nick Blaine, the undecided third-party voter of Gilead."

Trump convinced a sufficient chunk of voters that he's a great businessman despite a lifetime of evidence to the contrary. A sufficiently determined Gilead could persuade a Mexican delegation that they're great at baby making even if they're actually the opposite.

Less obvious but The Making Of Aja makes me appreciate the solo in Peg. They had a bunch of guitarists record solos and went with the one that sounds like it's invading from another song yet fits perfectly.

Bloomberg has a live interview with Jian-Yang which he mostly devotes to bad mouthing Erlich.