
Traditionally the way of addressing this is by using only fugly/heavy af, one-speed bikes that nobody would be caught dead riding off the campus.

They didn’t know it so much that they only threatened, intimidated, and bribed their victims into keeping quiet for all those years...including hiring Harvey Weinstein’s own HR fixer to shut the victims down.

Poor Bumbling Males, always too stupid to be evil, at least according to themselves...

Also, apologizing under duress only after you get caught and your reputation is up in flames and everyone is treating you like you were poking Alien Goo and have eyeworms now, just doesn’t mean very much.

Who wants to ask them if they know where the B12 in vitamin supplements comes from...?

Good luck preventing cats from eating grass - they don’t want the old blades (from a mouse’s stomach or not) either, they’re quite fussy about it being young shoots, and they definitely prefer certain types over others. Some will even prefer it to catnip.

Another fold of the multiverse, where the fishman with no memory and a secret name not even he knows, gets another chance to protect the orphaned Princess from those who only want War...

Probably too afraid of a more appropriately-sized steed...

Nobody thinks he’s undesirable - he’s got a tremendous fan following - but he’s very obviously a Friend of Dorothy!

Most artists have PayPal as an option, so you can support them directly. And Kickstarter has a Patreon alternative in beta right now.

The problem is that Hollywood would rather do jump scares and splashy special effects, than the ‘worrying implications’ of such things. Werewolves could be frightening again, if you could marry good morphing video technology to the problems of either: you can’t control the violent beast-nature, turning you into the

There was no ancient myth for 1932's Mummy. It was based on some then recent works of horror/suspense fiction, mainly by Conan Doyle with a little bit of Stoker and Haggard, on top of the pop culture/pulp magazine climate of All Things Eastern & Spooky, galvanized by the newest Egyptian craze following the discovery

Even Transformers worked better as a small and confined show, than the giant action packed Transformers aka silverware drawer in a mixer movies they are...

The original Karloff Mummy wasn’t gory - but it was definitely horror! Existential dread, body horror, regular suspense, supernatural suspense, all of it coming down to the proto-final-girl scene of a woman choosing to embrace the future instead of a return to a ‘safe’ known past, and saving herself by calling on the

I don’t think even Roger Ailes had a Remote Rape Room button...

Flashers aren’t a new thing.

This. It’s like Charlie Rose ‘apology’ where he says he’s sorry BUT he thought they wanted it and some of it’s lies anyway... Wow! All of the sudden Lasseter is shocked, SHOCKED! to find out he’s been sexually harassing people for years and they didn’t like it at all! I totally believe it, don’t you?

Apparently LCK paid for a lot of it himself. It seems to have been a sort of video ‘Dear Diary’ for him...

For them, it was Tuesday...

A lot I think, going by comments. Ignoring totally that this apology only came after he 1. got caught, 2. started facing serious career consequences for it.