
Who knew that being an out-and-proud racist would cost your company more than the ACA? Whoever could have guessed?

The PR department finally wrestled control of his phone away from him...AFTER the damage control firm bailed and whistleblew!

What a Poe(t)!

They’re not only doing at 2 am when there’s nobody else in the parking lot, either. I’ve seen one of them manage to take THREE lanes in the middle of lunch hour...

DARVO - Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender, othewise known as as projection and gaslighting. It’s a very old propaganda tactic, but it’s familiar because it started out as an instinctive way of controlling narratives in arguments/dominating people.

It totally is. Look into how the fundamentalist Christians in America switched positions on abortion and took it up as their righteous cause after they lost on school integration - Fred Clark (aka Slactivist) has blogged a lot about that historical whitewashing.

There’s an old running joke about that in Good Omens, in fact - used bookstore owners who just use the business as an excuse to hoard All The Books and really don’t want to sell anything...

And the attitude that we’re obliged to support terrible retailers ‘just because’ or we’re ‘letting the side down’ is a big part of what allowed them to become so terrible, and by being terrible, to destroy their own industry as dogs-in-mangers by driving out future generations of customers...

Right, because hate radio didn’t exist before Gawker, VDARE didn’t exist, nor Drudge nor FOX, and ignoring Limbaugh, Coulter, O’Reilly etc for decades made them go away instead of building their power base in the shadows - OH WAIT THE OPPOSITE OF THAT HAPPENED.

Okay, your mum’s just stupid, is that better? Does she like being a pawn of noted racists Farage and Johnson? How’s voting for the Leopards Eating Faces Party working out for her now? I see you inherited her brains, since you think spite nose self-amputation is a good idea, still.

All those awful Italian and Polish and Irish immigrants, jumping ship in NY and sending 4/5 of their wages home till they could bring their families over from those 19th c. shitholes...

It also ties into the alt-right’s Pepe thing, because ‘Kek’ is the name of an (extremely) obscure Egyptian frog god, so they have this thing about ‘kek’ and being citizens of ‘Kekistan’ and a Pepe-green knockoff of a Third Reich flag with the swastika replaced by the letters KEK, too - basically it’s one of the marks

The US didn’t foist Sir Rupert Murdoch off onto the Commonwealth, you do realize that?

They think it proves they’re more virile because of something they heard about baldness being caused by testosterone.

What’s even worse is that the eugenics conference was ALSO hosting a pro-child-molesting speaker who argues that it’s fine to do whatever you want to the kiddies, so long as you drug them unconscious first and don’t leave them bleeding after (= ‘no harm’ in his mind!)

He also claimed that he was a mere child, a Bumbling Son if you will, when he made those tweets and so can’t be held responsible for them. And the media so far just repeated that uncritically.

That makes all the international white supremacists ranting about pan-Europan solidarity even more unintentionally hilarious! Normans vs Saxons = two rival flavours of Vikings going at it, echoed by the German-descended cousins, Victoria’s grandkids on the thrones of Prussia, Great Britain and Russia, squabbling over

The pod-people conversion process doesn’t work very well, you see, and their home planet is much warmer than this one.

The deep core of WWI was interfamilial rivalries among Victoria’s grandchildren, on top of unhealed political/economic rivalries going back to 1066 And All That, so even German’s ambitions for a colonial empire were about insecure white men keeping score (Wilhelm wanting a bigger empire than cousin George...)

Thus Pat Buchanan and William F. Buckley and Antonin Scalia...It’s no longer exclusively Rich White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Guys club, it’s a Rich White* Guys** club, where some exceptions can be made for minorities and women, so long as they’re rich enough...