
There seems to be so much blue-sky ignorance? cluelessness? obliviousness to the very nature of fabrics and clothing, being that they are subject to all the stresses of outdoors AND proximity to organics PLUS repetetive motion and strain? in this desire for ‘wearable computers’... weather, beer accidents, being jumped

I think a little of both - people who run in the same social circles end up closer than they are to outsiders, ‘frenemies’ sort of, wasn’t one of the leading Democratic Party advisors married to a Republican pundit, Matalin or something? But also, you get people who are savvy enough to realize they can’t get away w

‘You were spotted in the mob,
Now you’ve lost your fucking job-
If you’re a Nazi and got fired,
Clap your hands!’

It used to be possible, 20-30 years ago, to think that they at least MIGHT just be ‘contrarians’ playing ‘Devil’s Advocate’ in the safe knowledge that it meant no more than arguing that the Empire might have a point, or perhaps velociraptors have just as much right to eat people as we have to eat chickens, or that

Media, academia, business. The idea that CEOs get to do whatever they want, because they’re ‘makers’, literal ‘ubermenschen’ has been around for a long time. Ayn Rand got so popular because she was only telling them what they already believed...

Oh,it’s been normal for a lot longer than that. ‘Greed is good’, ‘I don’t believe in society’ - so much of the Eighties were dedicated to celebrating sociopathy in power, in politics, in business, and in general society with ‘cruelty comedy’ becoming completely unchallenged as the standard for humour.

Someone just read it for the first time after getting recommendations on a board for familial abuse sufferers and they were all OMG I didn’t know there were words for what I was going through, with the gaslighting and ‘love your torturers’ and all...

Also acting like the relative wealth vs poverty of the abuser vs the victims is a non-factor. It seems as if the so-called liberals in America are no different from conservatives or libertarians, in that regard.

There’s also the sex-with-robots/run-over-protestors law professor who manages to be anti-government WITH tenure from a state university...

And why is transactional sex the good conservative Christian thing all of the sudden now? Didn’t they used to be against prostitution?

The rumours, which originally started on a local NOLA message board where someone who claimed to be part of the crew was posting, about Trank’s house-trashing and flakiness on-set preceded the studio taking it over for reshoots. And logically as well as chronologically, were the reason WHY reshoots.

Why? He’s said all his films are connected on various levels, all AUs in a way - think ‘multiverse’ - which shows up both thematically in visuals and in repeated casting in both similar and opposing roles, so if the studio won’t let them conclude their trilogy, why shouldn’t del Toro and Jones move at least the story

Also a genderswap/fixup for Little Mermaid, looks like...

It was DC’s go-to excuse for not doing a WW movie for years, they would point to their shoddy Catwoman movie’s failure & say that proved female-lead action movies wouldn’t sell.

Also interesting characters, not just ‘Cocky Jerk Who’s Yet Another Watered Down Impression of 1980s Harrison Ford’ and his Interchangeable Blonde Defrosting Ice Queen Lust Object (no, making her a redhead doesn’t count...)

If they don’t, then they’re too stupid to be allowed on the internet without a nanny. It’s very obvious from RT’s site how the numbers work, they have a representative quote from each major review on every movie’s front page, and the fact that you have always been able to sort by ‘fresh’ or ‘rotten’ reviews means you

Well, if they could get away with good old fashioned payola they wouldn’t HAVE to try to appeal to reviewers’ sense of chivalry & compassion for poor, deprived studio execs!

There’s also a problem where movies that are critically panned often - not always! - do poorly at the box office, because they’re terrible, and this is often visible right in the trailers! Not just because of reviews!

Except on media forums, that’s the number one argument made by parents as to why they NEED review aggregators, whether it’s other RT or forum members making recommendations. Everyone does the math and points out that studio execs are expecting families to dump large percentages of their weekly pay without any

I know people love that Maltin quote about nobody ever setting out to make a bad movie, but it strikes me as the height of Pollyanna naivete. Have they never worked for a company that knowingly sold and/or manufacture crap, and laughed about the fact that customers were buying said crap? Have they never had to fight