I think leaving Miiverse behind is a mistake, I hope they realize this and bring it back in the future or have a 2.0 version of it.
YAY region free store! Looks like I’ll get making a Japanese account.
I think leaving Miiverse behind is a mistake, I hope they realize this and bring it back in the future or have a 2.0 version of it.
YAY region free store! Looks like I’ll get making a Japanese account.
I play on PS4 so I can’t be reported, but I do very regularly get harassing PSN messages and match-long insults for playing Symmetra. Even when our team does well, I do well, we win, and/or I get play of the game. I don’t get it. People want to adhere to a “meta” to the point of becoming very, very ugly.
I thought she was a kid now?
I mean, if we’re gonna get into it, Koopa Troopa’s been hurling the dried husks of his buddies’ carcasses around the race tracks since the 90's, so...
i dont get it
The NES was launched with a robot accessory that ended up only being used for two games, and a light gun that was only used for a handful. The Famicom controller had a microphone built in. Later they released a controller shaped like a glove, and a VR game console, and a mat that you could stomp on in lieu of a…
Cargo pants! Shut up, I’m a 44 year old computer engineer dad. I have a license.
Who carries their 3DS in their pocket? Don’t most put it in a bag?
Can we all give ARMS a chance here? I know there needs to be the other stuff too, but ARMS at least looks pretty damn fun.
Given how much effort they seem to have put into the joy con controllers in terms of realistic rumble and sensing distance, I wonder if they really are going to move forward with pursuing VR based on that patent a while back. I just figured it was protecting potential future interests but now I’m not so sure they…
Dude, you can’t just SAY you’re the champ. You have to cumpete.
“$300 for a cow nipple simulator? May as well get a cow.” Joyless people.
I’d appreciate a trigger warning for those of us that identify as lactose intolerant.
Perhaps. But Clinton is a hawk who would take a very hardline against Russia and has no compunction about putting boots on the ground (see Iraq War).
I so completely agree with you both that I don’t know anything at all.
alternate headline:
Not really cracking it open. Just sliding off one piece of plastic. Gawker Media even did an article on such a thing: http://lifehacker.com/how-to-replace-your-playstation-4s-hard-drive-1744243134
I’ll be the first to say that clearing your sinus using a neti pot is one of the best feelings I have felt. Its right up there with a good sneeze. Her smile, and reaction, sums up that feeling best.