Ha ha, what
Ha ha, what
I think 40-50% of the Green Bay offense is hail mary passes and pass interference penalties.
Instant-kill combo (with pretty low CD), crazy potent self-heal (can tank through two flankers/DPS while gaining HP), and his Ult has the best pushback in the game with decent damage (can clear a contested point all by himself, ever without the enemy team bunching up OR having to kill them).
Yeah, Roadhog is pretty…
And I did and I still play
While I didn’t buy it on PC, i do know enough people who bought it on Steam because they liked it. Wasn’t preorder even and we knew exactly what we were in for and liked it.
It’s an incredibly intelligent game that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.
When Ocarina Of Time came out I was 12 years old, and I would get up 2 hours early for school to get some gameplay in. I’d think about the game all day and all night. I’d draw maps and fan art all over my school work, speculating what would lie in store when I got home and got back on the game. I even dreamed about it…
use sunscreen and moisturize every day
New Day are full of nerds that play Final Fantasy tunes on their trumpets during a match, they are gaming culture and deserve to be brought up here.
I like how he basically is taking credit for Minecraft.
Says the one who never tried any VR headset ever. Your tone clearly indicates this. A lot of VR haters never ever tried one and their lack of curiosity and their love for shitting on the pleasure of other people is quite tiring.
People asks for VR games to be playable without VR without realizing these games would be…
I just went through some real bullshit to drag out my old PS1 and hook it up to an old TV in my house with RCA inputs so my kids could experience Parappa.
I’ve only seen one, and I’m still solidly in the Connery camp. Not for his views on women (archaic) but I think the character is best represented by the way he plays it. It’s fantasy, and not everything has to fall in line with the current thinking on gender relations. The new Bond stuff has him as a bit of a…
That writing is gross at worst, and just fucking lazy at best. When virtually all encounters with women focus on their boobs, you know the author is either horny and lazy, or horny and compensating. Writing like that has no business being in a modern game. WTF are they thinking??
Same. I’m about as liberal as they come, but I think it’s beyond strange to get involved with a Conan board game (admittedly, probably wasn’t her decision), then be surprised when it objectifies women. I mean, I’m a casual fan at best, and if I had to describe Conan in one sentence, it would be that his ability to…
Ya, sorry, the outrage meter isn’t registering here. Conan is and always has been a male power fantasy. The designers and artists have stayed true to the source material.
Honestly, this depiction of women seems intrinsic to the setting and the franchise. Conan has always been a male power fantasy and...
If you have a problem with the source material, then direct your ire there, not at the people who are trying to faithfully adhere to the source material.
normally I’d be all against sexist depictions of woman and such but really its a barbarian setting. its kinda its stick.