
New character Stound confirmed.

Exactly. A winning player needs to be someone with great vision and quickness and be explosive through the offense. They need to pressure teams into making poor decisions and be able to keep choppin’ away because whoever has the most points at the end wins the game.

I know this is just a $10 game, but I wish there was a physical release of this. I’d happy pay more to have this on a physical cart.

The Plague Knight campaign came out in 2015, but it didn’t get much attention, in part because it was simply a free update to Shovel Knight (only this year did Yacht Club decide to turn all the campaigns into standalone versions), and in part because it wasn’t all that great.

Yup, that didn’t take long. Right at the top.

well it would be my heaven but probably playstation 1

He did it without using the ABBA continue code (because the game does not actually provide that, despite everyone using it in their youth). He was one of only a few (2 or 3) people with video proof that they had beaten it that way at the time. It was a great achievement.

Virtual Boy. It would suck but there’s only, like, 20 games.

Oh may the nintendo god hear you. I’m still in doubt we might lose the quirky/weird/experimental 3ds style games in the switch.

This is actually an incredible achievement. Grats to this guy and I secretly hope he gets some cool acknowledgment from Nintendo (doubtful, but it would be awesome).

I read about this some time ago and always wondered why mainstream media didn’t take note of it. I’m just very surprised and pleased to read about it here.

If that dude had Hitler’s attention span, we’d be immeasurably fucked.

Yeah, thanks for taking it as what it is: someone knowingly or unknowingly bending his/her life out of shape for entertainment and taking risks in the meantime. While the internet can reduce this to “well he was a sedentary smoker who knew the risks and died as a result,” he was also a man who died for his own and

I would’ve agreed with you if there were anything in the article or headline that also referred to the past as wasteful.

Hopefully the people in the “this is wasteful” camp aren’t also in the “I sure wish games included instruction manuals nowadays” camp.

Dreamcast was the definite failure of that generation that killed Sega’s hardware division, so it’s unfair to compare the GC to that. The PS2 clobbered it, and the XBox outsold it as well. Ever since the PS1 outsold the N64, people have been saying Nintendo was doomed. The GC did nothing to silence those people.

The last time Nintendo truly participated in the console wars with competitive specs was Gamecube, and it didn’t do well. It’s naive to think that Nintendo would be guaranteed to dominate today’s market if they had kept up in that regard.

Yeah kotaku really doesn’t like Nintendo. When I see the switch more as a handheld than a home console, it justifies everything. The price, the power, the design.

Good, a brother in arms! Come, let us invite these knaves to the back of the McDonald’s parking lot, where such honour is traditionally upheld.

As several have already pointed out, Vita game cases are about as wasteful, give or take a centimeter of height. But hey, any excuse to shit on Nintendo, right?