
The fan, a woman in her 40s,

Oh, so does this mean we can finally quit pretending that Terry Richardson hasn’t been gross as hell FOREVER? Also, his shitty photography has always been just as much garbage as he is as a human being, and I will never understand his popularity.

Realizing they might face some consequences. Nothing that could have happened to the women would have mattered.

This is the Fyre Festival of our times.

Fly in first-class style...

In that case the coffee was so hot that it MELTED her jeans to her skin. She deserves every penny that she got from them. McDicks was very smart to play the press game and insure that everyone thought that she was an idiot who didn’t realize that coffee is in fact hot.

Y’all remember how much shit the McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuit plaintiff got? She was actually grievously and unnecessarily injured, and she was practically a global laughingstock, and still is an occasional punchline.

1. Your OJ comparison is shit and not equivalent. They didn’t receive a fake sparkling grape alcoholic beverage.

Wouldn’t it be nice to still live in a world where stuff like this was considered important? Nice work if you can get it.

I think Autoblog had the best quote:

Nope. These are the same assholes who will turn around and call it an “anchor baby.”

Yep, those are totally the same things as forced birth. Blatant, unapologetic forced birth.

Also as in: “we’re gonna force you to have the kid, and after that you’re on your own. No way are we gonna help provide for a refugee kid, fuck that shit.”

Yeah, because bodily autonomy doesn’t kick in until an arbitrary birthday? Wtf?

I doubt he’s involved in the slightest. One of his Christian aides is probably behind all this. As much as an asshole as Trump is, if someone in his staff approached him with this, he’d probably just say “I don’t care” and walk away. It doesn’t benefit his ego at all, and well, he’s too busy fighting military families

I was listening to Pod Save America talk about this issue. They stated that these individuals are not pro-life. They are pro-forced pregnancy and delivery. And they are right. Its just about control of women’s bodies. Over and over again. Its just about control. Not life. Not babies. Not even religion. Those are all

In fact, I’d be willing to bet that Trump has paid for mistresses, if not wives, to have abortions in the past.

Who Would Jesus Jail To Gestate

Life affirming as in, women don’t have lives of their own but we can make them create and sustain lives that just might have penises which entitle them to lives of their own.

“only life-affirming options”