
I'm a straight woman so I don't really care to go look at tits?

I live in a college town and see tons of women at the beach with similar bodies. Who cares?

So now you're just making shit up because you didn't read the article? Mom said baby was strapped on. You have no reason to think that's a lie. No, the baby could not have been smothered. A shitload of people were watching. You're just getting outraged for no reason.

I don't think you're mean, I think you enjoy being thoughtlessly judgy.

And this kid was SECURED to it. So, no, it could not roll off.

The baby was essentially being slowly dragged a few yards on a piece of padded fabric to which he or she was secured. Would I do this? No. That doesn't making it fucking dangerous. No, people don't toss 1 month olds in the air. But people have dropped older children tossing them in the air and nobody thinks this is an

You seem judgmental.

I don't disagree that it was poor judgement. I just think parents do a lot of other questionable bullshit that people neglect to question because it's mainstream. How many of the hand wringers on here have circumcised baby boys? People are up and arms about this in particular because it's sensational.

I don't necessarily disagree. I just don't think this merits a CPS call. People do all kinds of shit I never would to their kids: ear piercing, dyeing their hair before age ten, living vicariously through them, putting them in beauty pageants, allowing them to cheerlead in school programs that don't offer adequate

No, you aren't.

Please don't say that! People of all shapes and sizes find love. A good friend of mine thought he would never find a woman to love him because he's a 25 year old who has multiple sclerosis. He would say, "Who wants someone whose ass they're going to have to wipe in 5 years? Who wants someone with a disease?"He's

Why bring people with mental problems into this? Is your vocabulary so limited you cannot find a way to insult someone without bringing people with mental disabilities into it?

Bon Jovi is a horrible band. And you are a horrible person.

That escalated quickly.

Is this really a dangerous parenting choice though? I'm not saying I would do this, but what do you think could have happened? The baby was baby slowly dragged on top of a fluffy dress. It's not as though someone could step on him. Is this less safe that parents who toss and catch their babies again and again? Or less

Said Real Trap Shit before proceeding to yell at kids to get off his damn lawn.

My uncle is a member of MENSA and a college graduate and he was abusive as fuck to his kids, so how about NO.

There should be a rule. Once you invoke eugenics and follow it up with "but," you should not be listened to.

that's my jam

Oh stop