
Ah, but it isn't a two way street and it isn't a level playing field. That's kind of the whole point about institutionalised oppressive frameworks. It's not that unfair messages about or towards men aren't publicised, but rather there's an increasing acknowledgement that the playing field is very much tilted.

Yes, they do. Is it a problem? You bet it is. However, the institutionalised nature of misogyny means a disparate impact.

It's not. Unless a girl is driving it. Then it is. As is a Ford GT if a girl is driving it. Ask $kay. That's the point is, the She's was unnecessary. I have no problem with pink Fits.

Women as a whole or women who have other traits in common, Dick? Because that's the issue here: universalising the experiences of women to lock them into some sort of "woman demographic." You need to start talking about intersections here. Age and class are two big ones you should immediately be considering.

I'm married now, but when I dated online a few years ago, I typically did the "fade out" because I was overly worried about the reaction I'd get if I rejected them.

Maybe because when we outright reject a guy we risk becoming victims of harassment (at the mildest) or actual threats to/attempts on our lives? The problem here isn't women.

Who the fuck are these creepy-ass dudes?

They didn't have to pull the song. Anyone with a brain in the building would say that "choosing to silence someone who happens to be a victim of domestic violence might be the stupidest thing you could possibly do right now".

Rihanna is a woman who was beaten by a man and then was penalized by the NFL for it. Now you know one of the many things that Rihanna is.

That wasn’t a ferret nice thing to say...

What? What was your interpretation of this article? The whole point was that the Daily Mail piece was absurd and that people have lots of different reasons for wanting/not wanting to date one another.

I thought that first line said, "Women will fantasize about hot food all day long," which seemed pretty accurate to me.

I don't need to "make of that what I will." First of all, pointing to the mechanics of abusive relationships makes no sense when trying to make claims about what all women want, including those in healthy, non-abusive relationships. Come on. In any case, I don't even have to explain myself, I can let people who are

Watching and hearing (and putting your own interpretation on it), but clearly not actually talking to or interacting with, by the looks of it. In any case, you haven't even disproved my points. You say you "learn a lot by watching and listening." If that's so, I've watched and listened to many women personally tell me

"Women ... want one major thing in life: Security."
And you would know this because... you're a man? It seems to me that you need to befriend more women. And I mean actually befriend, not just sort of know through work or other people's girlfriends.

You wouldn’t think that making sure that someone is excited and eager to get down would be so damn controversial.

Seriously: how is “damn straight, I want you to bang me like a screen door in a hurricane” a bridge too far for folks?

I've noticed the opposite, they're usually the same. Perhaps you're thinking of Nice Guy™ versus an actually nice man.

"They're tall, rich and hot, what more do women want in a marriage?"

"imaginary rape culture" - that phrase right there might be why some of us are pointing and laughing at you.

You must be fun at parties.