
Eh. I made that mistake. I remember Virginia well. Things were green and food was delicious.
I'm moving out as soon as possible. I've lived a lot of places, there is nothing like this. Everything is broken and terrible. And if you say "this doesn't work" instead of letting you help fix it New Yorkers sneer and say

There is no reason to move to New York. Everything here is bad and horrible, and we only build things like this so that you'll move up here and we can move to wherever you came from.
Middle of Nowhere, Iowa? Sounds great.

...you think no one deserves to live in a world where they're not objectified 24/7? And you're saying this as someone who lives in a world where SWM aren't objectified?

I haven't met a single person who was wholly unloved. Maybe I've just been lucky.

And seriously? We're bringing santa for adults into this?

How's this: "All women are beautiful to someone."

"No man, proclaimed Donne, is an island, and he was wrong. If we were not islands, we would be lost, drowned in each other's tragedies. We are insulated (a word that means, literally, remember, made into an island) from the tragedy of others, by our island nature and

Discovering that anyone and everyone can wear skinny jeans was a revelation for me as well. I assumed they only looked flattering on boy-ish pixie shapes. I finally bought a pair because nothing else was available and immediately started getting compliments from everyone on how much weight I'd lost.
Fucking crazy,

I totally agree. It's unlikely that either of these women would have had an easy time publishing if they hadn't been white and attractive. Having middle class values and appeals probably helped as well.
But if you have a voice, it's great to use that voice to affect change. A lot of people have changed their opinions

Someone posted a thread where some of the neckbeards on 4 chan were lol-ing about it and taking credit. So, jury is out. 4 chan takes responsibility for a lot of stuff regardless of whether or not they actually did it.

Did you see the gifs in question?
Violent rape scenes.
Not okay.

And I think society can tackle more than one problem at a time. A healthy spread of problem addressing seems appropriate. Especially when the solution is simple.

There was a huge problem with 4 chan intentionally triggering rape survivors on jezebel with violent rape gifs. It was pretty shitty, and I've mostly lost faith in humanity.
I'm happy Kinja's trying to do anything at all about it.

"they just want the guys they want to notice them!"

I feel like irony is fucking lost on these asshats.

First, before I say anything, this guy was a good samaritan, and I fucking hate it when good guys have bad things happen to them. Nothing I am about to say should negate the fact that:
1. This dude was awesome

Just...not great trolling.

Thank you for taking the time to write this. The rape gifs are really bothering, and it's just nice to know that you guys care and are working on solutions. You're the best.

Does anyone else wonder about who these whackjob trolls are in their real lives? I wonder if they're like that redditor's husband who just need

But the pay scale really isn't the same. At every job I have worked...my male colleagues have made more. Sometimes in really sneaky ways.
So, for example as a teacher: our pay was public and equal...so you'd think it'd actually be equal, right?
Wrong. Paid incentives were given to coaching (and almost everyone was

But we're not asked what our priorities are.
I don't give a fuck about kids. But a man is more likely to be hired than me because I 'could' get pregnant and take (unpaid) time off to give birth. Likewise, if I did have a family it would be assumed I'd be the one caring for them, not my partner.

We're being told our

Biochem is a major. I.E. a whole group of classes. If you took a class called biochem...it was an intro class. Which a lot of us took in high school.
O chem is chump change unless you go to a heavy tech school. If you got an A without a book...you not only don't go to a tech school...you probably go to University of

Based on your other course listings....
Gen. Chem or High School Chem.

...You think people drop out of college because of Gen. Chem?