
How dare she be promiscuous. If there's one thing I won't accept from characters ...it's promiscuity.

The vast majority of the characters make terrible decisions regularly.
And it'd hardly be the first time a character had kidnapped another without a solid game plan.

So, when a woman thinks about fucking they're an idiot. Especially when it's someone they 'shouldn't' fantasize about.
But when Jaime does it, it's a-okay.
And pointing out the hypocrisy and latent sexism is pedantry.
I don't think you've examined your own internal prejudices.

How many do the defected Night's Watch members count for? Though it was only one scene there were at least four onscreen rapes.

You mean unlike Jaime, who never thinks about fucking anyone who he shouldn't or who is obviously evil.

You're still using terms that shouldn't apply to humans. There aren't 'alpha' and 'beta' humans.
And if there were it would be determined at birth and not subject to manipulation. Thankfully, humans aren't quite that predictable.

I've dated guys that are soft-spoken. I've dated guys that were athletic. I've dated

Considering I've never cheated, have never dated anyone I would consider alpha or beta (I date people, not wolves) and am happily in a monogamous relationship of 2 years...no thanks.

Though, interestingly, how do you justify believing women will cheat more while also believing that they are more 'emotional'? If men

Let me guess, you believe women are all hypergamous and compelled to cheat when an alpha walks in the room?
As though all people can be categorized as 'alpha' or 'beta' and as though women can't think logically. Do you know any women?
That you haven't banged?

Now say something about how you wouldn't ask a deer how to hunt it if you were a lion or whatever.

Because sex should totally be like killing for survival.


As a bisexual woman: I know more about what women are attracted to than you will ever figure out on your "alpha" sites.
But keep it up. I could use a laugh. And every time a guy goes on about how women aren't into beta's I get really good material.

I'm so glad someone referenced the bonobos!

This is pretty obviously untrue. Many women just want to hook up with hot guys, and many men want a lasting emotional attraction before they have sex. You're just stating stereotypes as though they have merit.
They don't.
And sex with tons of alcohol is called rape. If that's what's needed for sex to occur in your

Dude, this is so obviously wrong, and unfair to both genders.
I know a lot of men who have very little sex drive, and a lot of women who have a very high sex drive. Sex drive is a personal thing that's based on a lot of different factors.
Telling men that there is something wrong with them if they don't want to get

Okay, so the fact that your mom was shamed is bullshit.
But patriarchy and privilege are good short hands for "our society defaults to male and is geared towards men, and it's important to recognize that as products of that society those messages exist in our subconscious mind and need to be addressed," and "It's hard

These men are sexists. They will not ever listen to us (women). They need other men to tell them that their behavior is not socially acceptable, because they actually believe that you are a person. They might listen to you.

Cup size doesn't really tell you how big they are. I'm a 32 E.
I have multiple damaged nerves/pinched nerves between my shoulders and other places where bra straps hit.
I also can just barely afford bras in my size :(
I'm really athletic, so they get in my way a lot as well.

Oh yeah, totally. I agree with you. I just think there's a more interesting discussion here about 'sport' 'art' and 'competition.' Also, is anyone who is physically exceptional an athlete? There's a lot of blur there, and I'd love to see more comparisons analysis.
But obviously having a dangerous sport/art/comp. with

I think the question is over what determines 'sport.' What the original poster probably missed is that this isn't a cultural definition, but a medical one, and hopefully one that will reduce injuries.
But the 'what is sport' debate is interesting, and I think you're reducing it too much.
It's dangerous...I agree. But

Of course the infected gastric tube probably got rid of the sexy abs.

I think you actually would probably develop abs by virtue of having to get around with one leg. Prosthetics look tough to use, man.