Rainbow Bright Eyes

If you have a regular sn and aren’t already on Groupthink or want to bring your burner over to Groupthink, please come on over if you need to talk: groupthink.jezebel.com

I was in the bad relationship for 8 years and I lived in my head. I think what you’re doing is awesome. I haven’t had the sex since being married bc my boyfriend is far away, but he already knows to expect ups and downs.

Lol, you need someone that is ungreyed on the MP to star your comment or the author. Most of us have no idea how we are ungreyed... It's magic!

If you read my later comments, I answer that question. I don't use Uber and I explain what I meant. I have no issues with Taxi Drivers, I don't like riding with ANYONE I don't know. If/when I have to use this kind of transportation, I will always take a cab. Like I said, I live in a city where cabs are not everywhere.

Nope, I wish! Texan :-/

Oh, hell no. I don't have an issue with taxi drivers, I just don't like getting in cars with people with whom I'm unfamiliar. That said, if a cab company had an app and I needed cab vs Uber, I'd go with the cab. I've never used Uber and. I cannot say it's something I want try out... Not even if it were cheaper. That

I live in a city that has huge events, a less than ideal public transit system and cabs take forever because the city is so spread out. That said, most people I know park in parking garages and walk to events downtown. The people I know that use Uber are wealthy...not like they make good money, they are very wealthy

I had a reply, but I couldn't make it work coherently. In short, no. I never got near that dude for the record. Also, I would stomp on a dude's feet, knee him in the balls and leave if I could taste another person on anyone I was dating.

I call sitting in the GT section! 162 Uber, suck it!

There's a guy who we called Pussy Lips all through college. My roommate said she could kiss him at any random party and it always tasted like he'd just eaten a girl out. Blech!

My ex let me have the dogs, no visitation required. Why? Because he would have lost his life.

You are amazing! This is brilliant and I need to go to the dermatologist!

Sure! And if you want to hang out, groupthink.jezebel.com

I said this up-thread to someone else, but do you have any sites you like... I've only ever gone to Literotica (I have no idea why) and it's kind of a grab-bag of shit.

Hey, GT has calmed down a great deal lately! Though, we still have the one every 2-3 months shit show. If you just wrote it on your own Kinja blog, you could have someone share it to wherever you want (any of the subblogs). I can share it to Just Evil Enough or GT...Just Evil Enough isn't necessarily devoted to that,

I just told Bernd that they and SO were my favorite couple...if they are my favorite you are the best, most wonderful of my favorite couples ever. This is amazing!

You are probably my favorite couple ever. Note to self: sending my boyfriend (out of state for now) an awesome stuffed animal.

I do this!

Are you one of my college roommates?

I may have let a friend know after they had sinus surgery to send me a photo of any truly epic snot.